Just a quick share after enticing my avic back into her enclosure with the promise of a snack.
So, first I Named her(?) Kodama (tree spirit) & I am ever so glad I got this little one,
She has made me curse and laugh repeatedly,
this mostly drab colored tiger butt baby is adorable, and a bit of a brat, (s)he's very gentle, already webbing flat on her enclosure wall, (her tablecloth) wants to eat constantly .She also ever so sweetly deposits all of her trash in her water bowl, assuming she hasn't figured out she can web that yet .... and...(s)he is OUT OF HER CONTAINER each and every chance (s)he gets. The instant I put my hand on the enclosure (s)hes ready and waiting, Right up my arm, to about mid forearm, where she then settles apparently quite content to stay there. Now look, personally I am NOT an advocate of handling, I'm not afraid of my T's but just enjoy them being spiders without them having to interact with me. they aren't 8 legged kittens even if they are adorable and fuzzy....but someone needs to tell this little one that I am not her personal heat rock regardless of what (s)he thinks about it all.
She is 150% different than my other A avic, I assume because she is younger and exploring.
Best $20 bucks I've spent this year
So, first I Named her(?) Kodama (tree spirit) & I am ever so glad I got this little one,
She has made me curse and laugh repeatedly,
this mostly drab colored tiger butt baby is adorable, and a bit of a brat, (s)he's very gentle, already webbing flat on her enclosure wall, (her tablecloth) wants to eat constantly .She also ever so sweetly deposits all of her trash in her water bowl, assuming she hasn't figured out she can web that yet .... and...(s)he is OUT OF HER CONTAINER each and every chance (s)he gets. The instant I put my hand on the enclosure (s)hes ready and waiting, Right up my arm, to about mid forearm, where she then settles apparently quite content to stay there. Now look, personally I am NOT an advocate of handling, I'm not afraid of my T's but just enjoy them being spiders without them having to interact with me. they aren't 8 legged kittens even if they are adorable and fuzzy....but someone needs to tell this little one that I am not her personal heat rock regardless of what (s)he thinks about it all.
She is 150% different than my other A avic, I assume because she is younger and exploring.
Best $20 bucks I've spent this year