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Need help with O. Aureotibialis


North America
So I never really see her, but when I check on her every morning, she'd always web the top of the cage from her burrow, however I haven't noticed this happening recently and am a little worried, as she'd also normally flip over her water dish. This hasn't happened in a week, so is it safe to maybe dig her up? And maybe a rehouse with a little less sub perhaps, not too much less cause shes a fossorial though.

Tn tarantula

Active Member
So I never really see her, but when I check on her every morning, she'd always web the top of the cage from her burrow, however I haven't noticed this happening recently and am a little worried, as she'd also normally flip over her water dish. This hasn't happened in a week, so is it safe to maybe dig her up? And maybe a rehouse with a little less sub perhaps, not too much less cause shes a fossorial though.
It could she is about to molt from the info Ive learned from this site she could be getting ready to molt
As someone that's more into Asian ow than it seems most others. I'll throw in my experience and advise and yes I do have currently this spider and have had for many years.
Deep moist substrate period. Unless you want to attempt breeding keep it moist. Very important.
Let it settle in providing you have the requirements met already to keep it. If you see just a bit of legs at the end of the burrow,wait a couple days before you feed and it will be more inclined to be sitting fully out on top of the burrow.
Practice this feeding and you'll see alot more of your spider.
The only spiders I've kept when it comes to a true dig down to center of the earth never to be seen again is a king baboon. All others I see pretty often,but I also am the person that's up at 2am to watch my spiders do their thing and be off to work a 12 hour shift and totally happy.
If you want some serious in depth information I can provide the links. Umm it's pretty heavy reading. But yeah anything I can possibly help you with message me anytime. If I can't help there is a dude standing next to me as I type that's got 30 years keeping Asian old world. And I have tons of links for reference on this a most others in this class ..
My goal is to breed and provide people with spiders from Asia. Especially the arboreal.
I'm getting off topic,but yeah buy from a legit and I'll say it again legit seller, because seriously the wild caught thing is way way out of control. With these spider and a load of others.
Lol I actually have you zero advise oy first post. And where is the flipping edit button anyone?
They all will put up a sorta keep out webbing anytime they are not out hunting. Heavy webbing like you can't even shine a light down and see anything. That's a full on don't even knock.
Don't dig it up by all means.
Let it do their thing. They know better than we ever can. I've got some that act slightly different from the rest but only in the way they make home. Some use a hide some are like wtf are you doing and make their own usually by their water dish and burrow.
Which is why I keep mentioning that.
Asian old world even aborial require a moist substrate and humidity.


North America
Lol I actually have you zero advise oy first post. And where is the flipping edit button anyone?
They all will put up a sorta keep out webbing anytime they are not out hunting. Heavy webbing like you can't even shine a light down and see anything. That's a full on don't even knock.
Don't dig it up by all means.
Let it do their thing. They know better than we ever can. I've got some that act slightly different from the rest but only in the way they make home. Some use a hide some are like wtf are you doing and make their own usually by their water dish and burrow.
Which is why I keep mentioning that.
Asian old world even aborial require a moist substrate and humidity.
Thank you so much! Your first pose did actually help a bit! And I love reading for more T info, my brain is a open minded sponge for that stuff, I definitely learn about tarantulas more then math XD