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My Pink Toe is behaving oddly..


3 Year Member
Hey! I'm new to the forum, I've seen it around, and just decided to join :)!
I've had a few Ts for a while, and my Pink Toe is just now starting to develop weird behavior. He's successfully molted in February and has been eating about once every 5 days or so. He's just reached maturity, has newly acquired claws, and seemed happy.
Over the past two days, he has wrecked his web and was looking ill; he was hanging on the side of the glass, and his front legs were all smashed against the substrate, as if he had fallen and decided to stay there with his back legs still on the glass. I was observing him move into that position over the course of a few hours. Now he has finally crawled completely on the substrate.
His web was by the heat source (is cold where I live the majority of the year) and I'm wondering if he got too hot to the point where he had to go to the substrate? I have the heat in a corner so he can thermo regulate if need be, with temperature and humidity gages to track.
Can anyone give me advice? It would be much appreciated!


3 Year Member
Yorkshire, UK
After a male reaches maturity they don't have long to live I'm afraid to tell you. That is the most likely reason why he's acting so odd. If you haven't changed anything then his change in behavior
must be this


3 Year Member
I did find that out after doing some research, but it was only a month and a half ago that he visibly reached maturity :/
Thanks, R.nutt!

Zephyr Koolstra

New Member
3 Year Member
I recently got my pink toe just about 2.5 weeks ago. She's developing similar behavior and I'm worried. She's not sexually mature, not in premolt, and has been drinking water. But she crams herself in the tightest spot and curls up similar like death curl position on the substrate. I touch her and she's really responsive. But she moves back to the same stature, or she lays face first or leans into the substrate. I am so worried that she could be dying but she also doesn't seem so. :/


3 Year Member
My pink toe has started building a web on the substrate like a terrestrial T :/ is yours doing that, Zephyr, or is she just lying still on her back? I haven't ever seen mine drink water though, and I've had him almost a year :/

Zephyr Koolstra

New Member
3 Year Member
My pink toe has started building a web on the substrate like a terrestrial T :/ is yours doing that, Zephyr, or is she just lying still on her back? I haven't ever seen mine drink water though, and I've had him almost a year :/
She began to web the ground and went into molt. The molt was successful, but the next morning she still passed. Unfortunate, but sometimes you do everything correctly and they just die for no reason. Best of luck for your T!

Zephyr Koolstra

New Member
3 Year Member
Since you've had him for a year and he is mature, it could also be old age. Especially if he doesn't eat and his abdomen is shrinking profusely,


Active Member
3 Year Member
My burrow
He may be making a sperm web. They will make a web that sometimes goes from the substrate to the wall or some other object, kind of like a lean to. They will lay upside down underneath it and deposit sperm, then they will get on of of the web and load the sperm into the palps. Sometimes they will then tear the web down. :)

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