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Meal worms


Tarantula Club Member
I always feed my T’s Dubia, crickets and green horns. I notice many people use meal worms as well. I’ve always shied away from them because I have seen them chew through the plastic lid many times. I worry they will literally bite my T and cause harm. Has this ever been a problem for anyone?


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
I use mealworms for all of my slings. And them chewing is never a problem. As you need to behead them to use them as feed. As otherwise, they burrow down & thus not only do you lose them as a food source, you also risk them reappearing a few weeks later as a darkling beetle.

I chop the head off using a pair of scissors & that gives my slings an easy way in to the soft inner. To feed dubias, you should be crushing the head to stop them from burrowing too. And both roaches & mealworms continue to move for a very good 24 hours, so it does nothing to stop feeding response.

With dubias, I drop them in on their back for best feeding response. As like that, their little legs move fast & gets that desired feeding response.

With mealworms, I feed all of my slings whole mealworms. That makes them easy to find & remove.

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