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Just picked a new T up.


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Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
I have just picked a new t up from preloved. It was sold as a Goliath Birdeater, but he was unsure if it's a stirmi or a blondi. It came from a pet shop.

It came with a pile of bits & pieces including. a starter culture of Grey woodlice, a ceramic light socket & jungle dawn light. An enclosure with crickets in it, Feeding tongs, thermometer, bags of moss, substrate, bark, pieces of bag, 2 books & a table full of other bits.

The enclosure is a 12 X 12 & bio active, or it will be, when it has been left for a few more weeks. This is a new set up.

Casey K.

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Tarantula Club Member
Looks like a stirmi to me. :)

This is how it works, if I'm not mistaken:

T. blondi- no pink feet
T. stirmi- l1 & l2 are pink
T. apophysis- all feet are pink

....I could be wrong so if someone knows they can correct me. I wouldn't want to provide inaccurate information.