Substrate in most cases is actually detrimental to salticidae in general. Most salticidae cannot handle stale musty stagnant air and rapidly decline in health. There are a few were sub is sorta required, like Hyllus diardi as those guys are tropical, but most phids can be kept without it. bright light and warmth and cross ventilation is far more important. for water i just spray the side. they're smart. they see it and know. Plus if the enclosure falls without substrate the spider is likely to be just fine. Decor is more important than substrate. they appreciate some kind of shelter and will use that instead of the ceiling, instead.
Substrate in most cases is actually detrimental to salticidae in general. Most salticidae cannot handle stale musty stagnant air and rapidly decline in health. There are a few were sub is sorta required, like Hyllus diardi as those guys are tropical, but most phids can be kept without it. bright light and warmth and cross ventilation is far more important. for water i just spray the side. they're smart. they see it and know.
Plus if the enclosure falls without substrate the spider is likely to be just fine.
Decor is more important than substrate. they appreciate some kind of shelter and will use that instead of the ceiling, instead.