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It's Been a While!


New York City
Hey y'all! It's been a WHILE since I posted here. Life has been pretty busy for me, but the Critter Corner is thriving!

Menace the D. diamantinensis has molted for me twice now since I got him, and I have upgraded him to a larger enclosure, where he'll be staying for a good long while. Which is great, because rehousing this little spice machine is a TIME! The bag method worked very well for me. He's over an inch, and I think he might be coming up on another molt soon.


Dancer, my A.avicularia, molted AGAIN, and she is looking SO stunning! She took a while to recover after this most recent molt and gave me a little scare, but she's back to being her usual self. And although it was hard to confirm, I DO think that she is female! I'll be able to check again when she molts, which might not be for a little bit.


Cecil, my G. pulchra, also molted for me! I've confirmed that he's a male, and he is one handsome fella! He eats like a champion (no more running away from his dubias!), and I had to pick up a larger batch of feeders for him. He's also chilled out a lot since his molt and is much less skittish, which is so nice. He's also a BIG boy- I haven't handled him, but if I had to guess he's about 4 inches DLS now!


Not the BEST picture, but Rider has upgraded from just kicking hairs to threat posing sometimes! Scared the ****ens out of me when he first did it- good job, buddy! If I was going to try and eat him, well, now I sure wouldn't! He didn't like me adjusting the lid of his enclosure after I dropped in a roach. I think he's coming up on another molt- he's been looking really round lately, and he's been spending most of his time in his VERY impressive web, which is how he was acting prior to his last molt.


She's not a tarantula, but I picked up a new jumping spider recently! Bracken has a roommate- this is Taiga! She's a darling little baby who loves her flies. Bracken is still doing well- he keeps making eyes at his new buddy, and I have to tell him that she's too young for him, and that I sadly do not intend to set up a date for them anytime soon. I don't need a bunch of baby Regals.


I do have some sad news. Reaper Man, my Ghost Mantis and my very FIRST creepy crawly critter. Passed away in August. He made it all the way to adulthood, and it seems that with his wings coming in he also lost ALL of his chill. A handling turned into an escape attempt and him playing dead VERY convincingly, something he liked to do and was very very good at. He scared my wife (oh, also, personal life update, I got married!) and he was an absolute little joy to raise. I fully intend to continue raising Ghost Mantises, and maybe other species when I have more room to spare.

That's everything and everyone for now! Outside of my many legged pets, my cat is doing well, and I also finally have a pet crested gecko! His name is Moose, and the menagerie continues to expand.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
RIP Reaper Man. Thanks for sharing all those great pics! Looks like things are going well :D


New York City
RIP Reaper Man. Thanks for sharing all those great pics! Looks like things are going well :D
I'll be welcoming another mantis into the house soon! Feeling ready to take on another little buddy. Going with a Panther mantis this time. Might be back in here looking for name suggestions when he arrives!

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