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Looking for 20 or so 40 dram vials. The clear thortons plastics ones. I have hissers, dubias, lats, and dwarf white isopods I can offer to trade for them
Clean up crew. They help keep away mites by eating food remains, stuff like. Really good for any kind of enclosure where the substrate is atleast a little moist
Yes you can. I use them mostly for my forest scorpions/ roach colonies/ frogs than for my T's. They need atleast slightly moist substrate so they wouldn't be good for most adult T enclosures. They would be great for a "swap dwellers" enclosure though. I did try keeping 2 in my versi's enclosure until I recently upgraded. They did a good job of bolus disposal until they became bolus's themselves lol. They will quickly become a snack for most terrestrial slings.
Yupp. I would be cautious with the large US natives. Those I have heard of attacking a molting T, but I've never heard of problems with tropical dwarf species. There are people who use them and have never had an issue though. Very easy to breed isopods. Give them 2"-3" moist coco fiber with leaf litter mixed into it. You and also add in rotted wood or aspen shavings(like the snake bedding). Then put down some clean cardboard for them to hide under/munch on. Then 1-2x a week give then some fish flakes and little pieces of veggies. Keep em warm and they do the rest.