Well I had a red knee tarantula when i was 20. I had it for five years then gave it to the pet shop owner. Now I'm 51 almost. Five years ago I got a rose hair. Her name is Fang. I hope its a girl, its about five inches and hasn't shed for about three years. She eats but not a lot, is gorgeous, and very tame. She (I hope) is in a five gallon tank. Does it sound like this is a female? I don't want it to be a male and die soon. A week ago I got a normal pink toe. Her name is Dorothy, she is in a one gallon tall container, she shed four days after I got her. Now she is jet black with bright pink feet. Now I want another Tarantula, a mexican fireleg or a red knee or a versicolor I don't care. So do you think my rose is a girl? How do I take Dorothy's molt out without wrecking her nice web she made? Oh god I want another tarantula if you have one you don't want let me know Ill pay shipping and take it. I take very good care of my pets. I also have a very evil smart chinchilla named Gizmo. a cat named Stormy, a rabbit named Nibbler, and a ten gallon aquarium.
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