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Im not sure if the white stuff in the top right corner is mold, what do you think. And if its mold what can i do.

The Boo

New Member

Lawrence b

Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
What mixture you using ? When I used Coco Fibre , Irish Peat Moss and soil I got mould in some of the enclosures. After a while the mould disappeared but it was in there for a while . In my opinion it does not do the Ts any harm, it just does not look pleasing to the eye . You could always add isopods to speed up the process or you could let it dry out under there . That is my opinion but if worried about it you could replace the hide .


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Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
If you can, buy yourself some springtails & some dried yeast from your local supermarket. Plus, if you have a few T's, then also buy a separate container. Place a few springtails in your T's enclosure & the rest in your separate container.

Sprinkle a small amount of yeast in both the enclosure & the container & mist it. Repeat the sprinkle & mist on each feeding day. The mould will vanish fairly quickly & your springtails will thrive. If you ever want any springtails for another enclosure, even if it's a dry enclosure & one where the springtails will not survive long. You now have a spare supply & I find a teaspoon full of springtail culture is all it takes to deal with any mould that arises.

As Lawrence b said. A little mould does no harm, other than visually. And if the mould offends your eye, then simply remove that area of substrate with a teaspoon & either bin it, or let it dry out & use it again.

Ebay normally has people selling spingtails for a few Euro.
Springtails, I have noticed in my collection, will migrate to enclosures which I did not introduce them into which I find very interesting ! My T Albos enclosure stays dry except the corner of her water dishes! I looked in one day and lo and behold! Springtails in dish!! Then I noticed them in other enclosures I hadn't put them in! These are great critters for any damp/moist environments and will evidently migrate to others which I like! Isopods do great as well! I had isopods in my MM P. Cambridgei enclosure ( the orange ones) and some wild caught from my yard! They were reproducing but I believe Bain, who is deceased now, I think didn't like them and slowly they all got gone! Couldn't have ate them cause he was a full on 7" dls male and they are just too small. But I do believe he went to war on them. Anyhow, try the springtails. Once you get a culture started they are easy to maintain. I have 2 and will take some from one and put in the other to help with inbreeding! Can't go wrong!!! Happy Spoodering!!

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