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I'm concerned about my GBB


New Member
3 Year Member
This last month has been crazy busy for me and I haven't kept as close of an eye on my tarantulas as usual. I've been feeding and watering and doing quick checks to make sure they look fine periodically, but that's the extent of it. Today while feeding my GBB's left pedipalp barely got caught in the closing lid (I think it closing triggered some sort of feeding response and he jumped at it, I feel horrible). Now the pedipalp is sitting at an odd angle and I just want to make sure it doesn't look too serious to the more experienced keepers out there.
My other concern is while I was shining my light to look at his legs after, I noticed a ton of tiny white mites all over the enclosure. I checked and didn't see any on the tarantula himself (he's just sitting on top of them in the picture) and couldn't find any in my other tarantula enclosures, but they are just all over and I'm worried they are going to cause problems. I added pictures of both the pedipalp and the mites. I feel terrible for not seeing them sooner. Anyone know what they are, and what I should do?


New Member
3 Year Member
Just a quick update, I've spent the last 20 minutes or so keeping an eye on him and I think the pedipalp is fine, he was just holding it weird for awhile right after the incident. I also think I found my answer to where the mites came from, I've been overwatering. One corner of his enclosure is very damp even though I didn't add any water this week. Like I said above, I haven't been paying enough attention to my 8-legged children lately; now I'm dealing with the consequences.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
At least you've got it figured out! Now just time to execute the solution!