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How's life treating you


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
Hey all I know things can feel pretty heavy sometimes. Just hope you're all doing good! What's new on your end of the line?


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
What's new on your end of the line?

All is good here thank you. How are things your way?

I started this month with a trip to visit Tower Bridge in London, walking between the two towers & across a glass floor 140 feet above the River Thames. This weekend we go to see Michael Palin & then we end the month with a river trip on a Norfolk Sailing Wherry. Just 8 yacht Wherries remain & 5 will all be on the water together. And next month we take a trip on the last remaining sea going paddle steamer.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
Those Norfolk Sailing Wherries (sp?) look super cool. I've never sailed but I want to learn. And mainly I want to ride on a sailboat.

I'm headed out to do some beach camping for a couple nights. More like glamping really. It'll be fun.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
Those Norfolk Sailing Wherries (sp?) look super cool. I've never sailed but I want to learn. And mainly I want to ride on a sailboat.

I'm headed out to do some beach camping for a couple nights. More like glamping really. It'll be fun.

There are two types of Wherry. The old cargo (trading) boats, which traditionally have black sails & the slightly more modern Wherry Yachts. There are only two black sailed Wherry left & 8 of the much more luxurious wherry yachts. It is reasonably easy & not too expensive to book trips on the yachts.

I am lucky here. I live on the edge of an area called the broads. These are large, shallow lakes that were produced by peat digging in past centuries & which are linked via rivers, giving around 150 navigable miles. Plus we have the sea, an hours drive to our North & East & even a few miles of coast North West of us. So we also have lots of sea available & many small harbours.

My daughters belonged to the Sea Scouts & would one evening per week every summer. Go sailing &/or canoeing on a private broad. They also thus got to wild swim.

Beach camping sounds nice. Very few beaches allow that around here.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Hey all I know things can feel pretty heavy sometimes. Just hope you're all doing good! What's new on your end of the line?
Doing great, just on the mend from being sick all of last week. All the pets are doing well. I’ve been griddling as much as possible before it gets cold. Cooking bacon and cheese stuffed burgers tomorrow for the Dallas Cowboys game.

Back in the saddle again.....
Cue the celebration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jokes aside, it has been a while.

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