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How many Ts have you got covers the letters of the alphabet?

Casey K.

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
how about you ilovebrachys,how many do you have?Casey K,Octanejunkie.

Not many. I used to have around 1000 or so at one time a few months ago. Adults, juries and slings. Not including egg sacs. I've sold everything I had and now I'm starting over. I'm down to 22 spiders and pulling my hair out because idk what to do with only 22 spiders. I've got an itch that needs scratching, lol. I want MORE! MUST HAVE MORE T'S, LOL!!!


Active Member
Not many. I used to have around 1000 or so at one time a few months ago. Adults, juries and slings. Not including egg sacs. I've sold everything I had and now I'm starting over. I'm down to 22 spiders and pulling my hair out because idk what to do with only 22 spiders. I've got an itch that needs scratching, lol. I want MORE! MUST HAVE MORE T'S, LOL!!!
My God,but why not better than barking dogs.

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