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US Hisserdude (Forum Member)


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Outside San Antonio, TX
Just received several P scaber from Hisserdude, couldn't be happier with the transaction. Excellent communication, packaging, nice healthy specimens, and a nice healthy over count, by my estimation. Thanks Dude! My inverts thank you as well :)


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Just received my cleaning crew,
perfect packing, generous over count.
Active healthy specimens.
Communication top notch.
Great range of sizes.
Definitely recommend Hisserdude and have every intention of using him again!


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
I had posted a thread reviewing Hisserdude a few months (Feb 2016) back, but I will post my review here to put it all in one comprehensive place. And without further ado:

I purchased 10 Hemiblabera tenebricosa from Hisserdude and the transaction was nothing but stellar. Paypal, sent me the tracking info (USPS) before he shipped but had it, kept me updated on when planned to ship and when actually shipped. He told me he would ship USPS priority as well. I had listed a concern of labeling on my Paypal and he quickly responded to me to find a good label that wouldn't get me in trouble, but also make sure the package was handled carefully.

Everybody arrived alive and happy. Because weather had been colder in my area, I requested a heatpack, and we happen to have warm weather on their arrival, but the heatpack was still slightly warm when I got home and opened the box (brought in by either Mom or brother) at 8:30pm.

As this was my first roach purchase, I had many questions and he answered all of them really fast, and with really good, and even looked at my setup after I had talked with him about the best way to do things.
(Just missing the water pillow here)

He even added the end piece of a raw whole carrot to the shipping for the roaches to nibble on as they were transported, and I like to think adding it into my enclosure will help them feel at home.

Now all easily and quickly settled in, burrowed in, walked right off the paper towel (moist) and dug right in to their new space. I also feel like I have made another hobby acquaintance and would not hesitate to do business with him again.

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