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Goliath pinktoe hibernating?


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3 Year Member
I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this. About 3 to 4 months ago my avic made a nice webbed enclosure for himself. Then went on a feeding frenzy and would eat a large cricket every other day for a little over a week. When finished proceeded to web off the entrance so there was no getting in or out. I figured it was molting time. About 4 days later he molted just fine in the lower portion of his sling. The molt was down in a little corner that resembled a small pocket. A few days later he moved the molt out of the this lower pocket area and crawled in there himself. He tucked himself into a ball in that little pocket and has not moved for the past 3 to 4 months. I opened the entrance and took out the molt and have gently pushed up underneath him to see if he would move at all and nothing. When this started it was october and getting colder. Keep the house around 68 degrees and do not have any sort of tank heater, just a shallow water dish in a 5 gallon aquarium standing up on end. Im fearing the worst but hoping he will come back out towards spring. He is still fairly small as he just got his adult colors in july. Anyone with similiar experiences?


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Outside San Antonio, TX
He didn't move at all when you nudged him? After staying in that spot three to four months? Is he dead? Curled into a ball is usually not good..are it's legs curled underneath it? 68 is a little cool to be keeping an avic at constantly, but I don't believe it would kill one..is the substrate dry in his enclosure?


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3 Year Member
His legs are not curled underneath him like you would see on a deceased spider thats why im not sure. He has not moved a leg when I nudge him from time to time. His substrate is dry coconut fiber from the pet store with a good sized shallow water dish which I keep water in at all times. Wasnt sure if it would be bad to try and gently take apart the web and see if he would wake up....or not.


Well-Known Member
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Outside San Antonio, TX
His legs are not curled underneath him like you would see on a deceased spider thats why im not sure. He has not moved a leg when I nudge him from time to time. His substrate is dry coconut fiber from the pet store with a good sized shallow water dish which I keep water in at all times. Wasnt sure if it would be bad to try and gently take apart the web and see if he would wake up....or not.
That kind of behavior is not unusual after a molt, for a week or two...not for 4 months. Could you post a pic of him?


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3 Year Member
I will be able to tomorrow. Im at work until tomorrow morning. I tried asking kelly swift from swifts invertebrates about him also but he hasn't emailed me back. Thats where I bought him.


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3 Year Member
I will be able to tomorrow. Im at work until tomorrow morning. I tried asking kelly swift from swifts invertebrates about him also but he hasn't emailed me back. Thats where I bought him.
Most places don't care once it is sold but you never know. Can you move towards a heat source just to up the temp a bit? Even a very small heat mat can make a difference and they start at 1 watt. I have 8 brand new ones that are surplus to requirements as came with tanks I bought for my spiders but I use variable mats on a thermostat and timer.


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3 Year Member
I may have to try that. The temperature is the only thing I can think of that has changed. Unless he got a bad cricket from the pet store if thats even possible. Dont know if they could carry something harmful that could affect tarantulas.


Well-Known Member
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Outside San Antonio, TX
I may have to try that. The temperature is the only thing I can think of that has changed. Unless he got a bad cricket from the pet store if thats even possible. Dont know if they could carry something harmful that could affect tarantulas.
Oh they most certainly can..but I would suggest coaxing it out, and visually inspecting it if its still alive..look for anything unusual.


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3 Year Member
Heres the setup. When he molted, his molt was down in the spot where he currently is. He dragged out his molt so he could climb down there.


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3 Year Member
Well bad news...I was able to get him out and hes not waking up. Maybe a bad cricket? He is curled up but he usually curled up very similair to this after molting I assume as a defensive/protection stance until he hardened up a bit. This was his first molt in his tank pictured above. He had had no problems with his last molt so not sure what happened.


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I don't see any ventilation in that enclosure unless it's outside of the frame, and that makes me wonder of this is another Avic death from poor ventilation.


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3 Year Member
Thanks for the help. The whole front of the aquarium was screen. Basically a reptile aquarium turned on end. Thought that would suffice. Might have to try another enclosure if I get another avic.

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