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Goliath in the Water

Sara Brown

New Member
3 Year Member

I had posted earlier about the new tarantula I had acquired. I've had her since Saturday. She has spent almost all of that time in her water dish. Nights she goes into her hidey hole, but ALL day she just sits in her water dish. She hasn't taken any food yet. She's not small, so I'm not worried yet. but was wondering about the water. I've added a picture so you can see how she sits in it. All day.


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Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Hi Sara,
I would guess that there's not enough humidity in the enclosure as your substrate looks to dry.
T.stirmi are a high humidity species and have problems when kept in dry conditions,,if I was you I would mix some vermiculite in with your substrate and keep it moist you can also add some moist sphagnum moss in the enclosure all this will help to keep the humidity up along with a full water dish.
I'm not sure what type of enclosure your using but if its glass and only has ventilation in the lid then if there's to many air holes that's going to let out the humidity,the best way to keep humidity in the enclosure is to have ventilation holes in the upper sides of the enclosure and not the top.....

Sara Brown

New Member
3 Year Member
Perfect. Thanks so much! I'll make the changes when I get home and hopefully this helps. Also I'll look into a different enclosure. I wasn't expecting to get this particular spider so I wasn't quite prepared.