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GarField's Tarantula Picture - Video - Chat Thread


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
You have a fantastic collection and some great photos to match. I’ve always wanted a tripepii, they are soo fuzzy! I will have one... and soon
Yes she is amazing. I bought 2 slings and one turned out female. When young they look like a N.chromatus a bit, but changing every molt. Now she has amazing colours.

Working on how to make better pictures ..... so it will be even more beautifull.


Well-Known Member
Walsall west Midlands england
Definitely get p matalica I was lucky I went into my local reptile shop and one of the lads who works there sold me his so it was already in its enclosure so did not have to rehouse her.i do think some new worlds are more crazy than the old worlds.i have a c marshalli and she is so chilled and then my b hamori is not so chilled as when I open the enclosure comes straight after me.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Today working on some new enclosures. First some dry ones for my B.emilia and N.tripepii.
The pink one will be fore B.emilia. The N.tripepii will get a purple flower :).
Now they need to dry out a little bit.




Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Last weekend I got 2 Haplopelma hainanum. But both ran into their me-made hide.
So I could only get a small pic off her booty.


A week ago my Lasiodora striatipes molted. O man she has gotten big (or he dunno yet).
This evening I will rehouse her to ba much bigger enclosure.




Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Small update on my Spiders during the last time I was here ....

The most Spiders I bought where small slings. 1,2 sometimes even 3.
I was figuring when I got a female, the other 2 can go .... But I have a problem. I can't sell them.

Atleast .... not all. I did sell a few, but those are the 3th ones ..... If I have 2 ... I still have 2. If I had 3, I still have 2 :).

I had a few problems with some slings. I had difficulty growing Psalmopoeus victori small slings. Than I found a little bigger one.

I have a spider room. In the summer it can get up 2 26/27 Ceclcius (79/81 F). I have rollers outisde to close it for the sun. Else it will get over 35C (95F). In the winter time I have a electric heater that will keep it around 21C (69F).
In summer 2022 I had someone check the windows and frames to replace them. When he was gone I forgot to close the rollers for the sun. The next day it went over 30C/86F outside, and the sun was shining directly on to inclosures.
It went WAAAAAY TO HOT and I lost around 15 spiders form heat :(. I was devastated and almost quiting with the animals. But after some weeks I could cope with it.

After that I didn't buy any spiders for a long time. Now I start getting some off the species back.
P.victorii died ... I just got 2 new ones. P.philippinus .... And I bought 2 new I.mira (this is a complete other story :D).
I have some new species I never heard off :D.
Thrixopelma pruriens
Pamphobeteus sp. antinous (big black)
Spinosatibiapalpus spinulopalpus
And a small Theraphosa apophysis female.

About the I.mira. ....
I have an adult female form tiny sling. The second one turned into male.
She stopped eating ....... so I figured a molt. one month, 2 months, 3 months ..... it's time I dig her up ... It's a trapdoor tarantula but the door seems gone. So I dug her out (already made a new and bigger enclosure because I thought she was molting). And there she was .... being angry and throwing a posture to me .... Ow sorry mira ...
I moved her to the new enclosure ..... 10 days she sat on top in the corner. Very sad ...... and than she was gone .... she mad e new hole and trapdoor. Cool. Maybe she will eat. Again ..... no eating. I didn't see a molt in the old enclosure ... again .... 1,2, 3 months ... not gonna dig her out .... I order the new slings and he also had I.mira slings ... So I bought 2 ........ The next week after feeding the small ones I checked the trapdoor from my female .... I lifted the door and there she was .. blue legs and looking at me. Ok cool she lives. I threw in a redrunner male .... and it was gone when I went to bed. The next morning ......
2023-10-07 01.07.13.jpg

There she is :D .... So I have 3 now.

At the moment I have a small wish list ....
Pseudhapalopus sp. Blue
Brachypelma Smithi
Encyocratella olivacea
Brachypelma baumgarteni

At the moment I have 3.34.61 spiders. Most off the 61 slings are juvi but I am very bad in checking molts to see if it's a girl. I'm not selling anything so I will see what it turns out to be.

I do want to breed one or 2 times. But only with animals I love love love and sell most to supliers/sellers.
I have 1.2 G.iheringi (one adult female, male is almost adult, maybe one more molt) and 1.1.2 A.geniculata. The female is no adult yet, the male is a small juvi so in the end it will turn out fine.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
I have to rehouse many spiders. After the rebuild off the spider room I have the room to do that.
Last few days I have done a few. Here are some pics.


First the L.sazimai .... she needed a new home. She not liking it yet :).


This one needed a new one for a long time. Finaly ...


The S.calceatum just went under the tree instead off in it .... he/she will find a new spot overnight I hope.


This one I haven't seen at all. Sometimes some legs. It's much bigger as expected .... but what a great animal.


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3 Year Member
Long time ago I bought a fh1 H.chilensis sling. 2019 ..... It took so long to grow but now she's just a little one with adult colors.

This summer someone had 2 adult females. This one made an eggsac already and created some great new spiders.
But he is quiting the hobby and needed to rehome them. Yes yes yes please. So I bought one.

Also some other pictures to fill the post :D.





Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
I created 9 new enclosures the last week.
One big one 50cm x 35cm for my 6 M.balfouri communal.
2 bit bigger ones for a big N.chromatus lady, and the biggest A.geniculata I have (not as very big yet, but it will get big hopefully). They get a 35x35 cm terra.
Than I have 6 exo terra off 30x30. I will put my 2 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens in these. I am very bad in sexing tarantula's so I have no idea if it's male or female. Special these 2 kill their molt or hide it.
So I have 4 left. My second female G.iheringi will get one. My Lasiodora striatipes i got in a mysterybox few years ago. Also my B.auratum and B.albiceps females will get a enclosure.

After that all my biger ones will have a large enclosure upcoming week, starting with N.chromatus female and M.balfouri coummunal next weekend. The other ones are still a bit to wet so they need to dry out a bit more.

After a mental 'down' period i'm happy that it's going better and I can enjoy my animals more.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
I had e big exo-terra scare. I rehouse a few spiders last week to an exo-terra but I didn't have time to change the top.
The 4th day I found my B.klaasi dangling on the top on one leg. I could free her easy but now I know I have to change the tops soon. So no rehousing to exo-terra anymore.
Sorry P.mascara ...

You have to wait a bit longer.

I did rehouse my N.chromatus lady and whe went into the premade hide straight away ... she never did in her old place lol ...


And I rehouse my M.balfouri communal. I had 6 fh1 slings .... and now there are .... 6 !!!.

Monocentropus balfouri.1.jpg

Monocentropus balfouri.2.jpg

Monocentropus balfouri.3.jpg

Monocentropus balfouri.4.jpg

Monocentropus balfouri.5.jpg


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
The acryl tops are in. First one I will create a basic what I can use to drill the other ones with holes.
measuring take to much time :D.
2023-10-24 11.43.56.jpg

Half is now filled with holes. Think this should be enough?

2023-10-24 11.44.12.jpg

They will get clear once I remove the protective cover :).

First try a few and see from there.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Just a few more :).
One off the many A.geniculata I have. Can't get enough off them.


A.seemanni female

My B.boehmei I have since little white fh1 spider.

This one I don't have long yet. Still needs to molt with me.

P.murinus "Usambra" .....

Small female T.albopilosus

Very slow growing T.kahlenbergi

And waiting on this molt as well.



Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Next sunday there is a big show here with my breeders.
I talked to a breeder to bring me a few spiders.
He asked if I maybe have T's and/or snakes for him?
After taking a hard look I will part with a few spiders.

Encyocratella olivacea
Thrixopelma ockerti
0.1 Psalmopoeus irminia
I love the G.iheringi, and he has Grammostola actaeon slings. So i ordered one.

He will get from me:
* I bought a few months ago a Thrixopelma pruriens. I also got something with a different name that is the old name for the same spider. Both slings. So I will sell the smaller one (both still small).
* I have a full adult male from Pamphobeteus sp Mascara. Almost a year now. So he will try and get her a female somewhere.
* Nhandu Chromatus sling. I have an adult female. This one was with a bunch off spider I bought in one time to get an almost mature male G.iheringi.
* Brachypelma hamorii. This one is from the same batch. This is a unsexed juvi. I have a sling from fh1 and an adult female. So the middle one can leave.
* Brachypelma albiceps female. Same thing as hamorii. I have a juvi from fh1 sling and an adult female.
* He should have gotten a H.maculata female. I have 2. They are young adults. Last few weeks one didn't eat and was always out in the open. So much I thought is it a male? :D ... but it was not.
Yesterday I found her on her back in the waterbowl. Dead. Crap. So i'll keep the second one. Lucky for me (if you can even speak about luck when a t dies) the show was not last weekend. Than I would have zero as this one was the keeper.

After the trade I'll see what I have to pay for the diffrence.

From a different breeder i'll get a 0.1 Pterinochilus murinus (RCF). Mine died during a molt few months back.
My girlfriends want 2 spiders from this breeder.
Pseudhapalopus sp. Blue
Ybyrapora diversipes

Than I found a marketplace from somebody that wants to sell all his snakes.
And what did I see? B.smithi, the real one. Special import from mexico including papers. 1.5cm body so nog very small. He also had a G.acteon sling and both where for sale just for 50 euro. Ok gimme ... than I have 2 G.acteon but we'll see from there.

I wonder what I will have when I'm at home sunday *lol*


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Last sunday there was a reptile show.
I had some reservations, and I got 2 impuls buys.

First a very, very small A.geniculata. I didn't get her on a picture. When I got home yesterday she was in very wet conditions so I moved her straight away. Now she was hiding in the pre-made hole I made.
I so love how they grow so this is my 4th :D.

I also got a Pseudhapalopus sp. Blue. Very small as well. She was hidden so no picture as well.
I ordered one but got 2 .. so my girlfriend took one home as well.

Brachypelma smithi (ex annitha). Special import from Mexico with papers.
This is how he got here. The picture in the new home was not good as she (i hope) ran under the fake plant.

Grammostola actaeon. She just molted friday. So i didn't rehome her yet. Will do that later this week.

Encyocratella olivacea. I ordered one. It was 25 euro. Later on the show I saw one for 15 euro so took that one as well. But it is a bit smaller :). Here is one.

AFter the picture I put in some mos for them to hide under or use for makeing a home.

Thrixopelma ockerti. Somehow I thougt it would be much bigger but very small hahaha.

And offcourse my Psalmopoeus irminia female. Didn't have much luck with slings, so I thought let's get a female. They are highly available.

After moving she went straight behind her corkbark so no picture in her new home.

Than impuls buy 1. I have many Harpactira. I love them. Their build, their color, their behavior.
And than I saw a Harpactira tigrina. I didn't have that one so I took one offcourse.

I had to clean the cup a bit better :).

And when I thougt I was done I was talking with a breeder I bought many from. There was a Nhandu chromatus adult male on it's back trying to get out the cup. I was laughing and said for fun ... He want a female. I have a large adult female. My girlfriend joked ... well take it and breed it. Nah.
Than the breeder came and said yes please take him. Breed with it. Feed the female a lot and get her full and give it a try. I won't be selling it anymore as in a hour the show is over. Take it and breed.
Yeah right and than get 800 slings. What the heck do I do with that. You can give them all to me. I am almost sold out in sling so just take it, keep what you want and I will buy the rest from you. You can have it for free. Just try it. There are no shows anymore the next upcoming months so take it.
So under one condition I took him ..... he will take ALL the sling I don't want. Deal.

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