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Coloured springtails.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
Just to add. The colour is what is called Batesian mimicry. This is where a non poisonous (edible) creature/life form, imitates the appearance of a venomous or poisonous species. I brought some orange springtails, these are a very vivid orange. Red & other colours, are also available.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
I do not have any of mine, as I only brought a few & they are not very visible at the moment. But I'll find a Google image.

And just to add. These do not interbreed with white springtails, as they do not breed especially quickly & will probably become swamped by whites, which are by far the best clean up crew, who will eat all sorts of unwanted bits. So they good. Shiny. But they are not as practical as the whites.

I brought mine, as I wanted some more whites, as I wanted some new blood, in mine. I started my first colony with whites from 2 totally different sources. And I do not know if springtails are like isopods where colonies suddenly die off if you do not occasionally add some new blood. But I thought a few extra whites, were worth acquiring.

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