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US Chilo dyscolus sp. Vietnam blue and Phlogius crassipes females Free if you pay/arrange shipping


New Member
3 Year Member
Wilmington NC
I have a C. dyscolus Vietnam blue female 6" and a Phlogius crassipes female 4.5" that I'm looking to move on. Both in fine shape but both quite heavy webbers and I have a limited group (15) of display set ups in my office and I'm frankly not keen on all the webbing up.

You can have them for free but I'm looking for someone with a Fedex account who can just send me a link to the shipping label addressed to you, then I can just print that and pack them up and hand the box to the Fedex driver when they show up.

Message me or E-mail: [email protected]

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Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Rahway, NJ
I have a C. dyscolus Vietnam blue female 6" and a Phlogius crassipes female 4.5" that I'm looking to move on. Both in fine shape but both quite heavy webbers and I have a limited group (15) of display set ups in my office and I'm frankly not keen on all the webbing up.

You can have them for free but I'm looking for someone with a Fedex account who can just send me a link to the shipping label addressed to you, then I can just print that and pack them up and hand the box to the Fedex driver when they show up.

Message me or E-mail: [email protected]

Just emailed you


New Member
3 Year Member
Wilmington NC
Sorry, these T's have been spoken for and shipped but as of right now I can't see how to actually axe this post entirely from the site. Moderator please remove if you see this.

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