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Can the wrong substrate make my c. lividum not to burrow?


New Member
Hello all!

Long story short:

My c. lividum have been living with a new substrate mix for about 3 months.

At the start it was 50/50 coco fiber and topsoil. Then i waited 2 months and she didnt burrow. I was being a little worried, so after i recieved a good advise from an experienced tarantula keeper. I added about 20-25% sand into the substrate and mixed it (of course she was taken out of the enclosure). I gave her a cork hide and made a starter burrow.

Now it have been a month since, and still no burrow.

In her last enclosure her substrate consisted only of coco fiber and there she had dug a burrow after 2-3 weeks.

So am i doing anything wrong here? Do i just need to be patience or should i change back to the old setup with 100% cocofiber?

She is eating and doesnt look like to be stressed out. But it took a very long time before she would go under the cork hide, and i find her many times outside the hide. Staying in the corner or on the side of the enclosure.

I am just beginning to be a little worried, because in her last enclosure she would always stay in her burrow. And now it seems like she doesnt like the substrate and wont burrow.. But I am not sure if thats the reason or should i be more patience?

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