In my experience, pulchripes are not nice I've handled a few of my tarantulas, but only rarely, and half the incidents were by accident. My P metallica has teleported onto me twice, my regalis once. Although they showed no aggression, I try to avoid that You can also use superworms. Just cut it in half, the front part will kick it's legs and attract the sling. And yes, a sling can easily take down a superworm that's the same length as its legspan. I feed all my slings supers, they grow and thrive just fine.
In my experience, pulchripes are not nice I've handled a few of my tarantulas, but only rarely, and half the incidents were by accident. My P metallica has teleported onto me twice, my regalis once. Although they showed no aggression, I try to avoid that
You can also use superworms. Just cut it in half, the front part will kick it's legs and attract the sling. And yes, a sling can easily take down a superworm that's the same length as its legspan. I feed all my slings supers, they grow and thrive just fine.