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Any T stirmi tips?


New Member
Hello everyone! I recently adopted a T stirmi from petco because she looked incredibly stressed and small :( I felt so horrible for her, she didn’t even have an inch of dirt. Anyways I tried to ask them when I was adopting her how old she was and they had no idea, I asked if they know who they bought her from since she was special ordered and they said no and they have no idea how to find out. She also has a bald spot on her butt, but according to them “she came like that” :(. So with my intensive research I came to the conclusion that she (I honestly should say they, they don’t know her gender aswell. But for now she is a she) is a juvenile. She’s about 3.5 inches and I’ve had her for 3 weeks now and she’s finally starting to plump up and look more like a grape. I’ve been letting her do her thing and dig around in her home and never bugging her. Is there any tips when it comes to nurturing a T Stirmi? Do I let her do her spider thing? She’s been in her home digging like a cat in a littler box and occasionally eating crickets that do jump inside her home or when she’s waiting to ambush.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
welcome to the forum!
I like to give t smirmi lots of room, lots of cover and places to hide, and lots of substrate to dig around in.
other than that, large prey items. let her do her thing ! :D

thanks for joining us here!

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