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any Psalmopoeus victori bite reports?


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Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
As they are NW their bite shouldn't cause much of a problem, a bit of discomfort for a while but nothing a few painkillers won't help with.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
As Psalmopoeus do not have urticating hairs, they almost certainly have slightly more potent venom than other NW's. But it's not going to be anything horrendous, as you say, maybe something like an uncomfortable arm. But nothing that needs medical treatment, although maybe a paracetamol, or if it's muscles, an ibuprofen, or two will help.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
was asking cause ive heard of some psalmo bites causing an entire arm to go numb lol

Yeah with them being NW yet lacking urticating hairs so having venom as their main defense they seem to be a grey area when it comes to venom potency. However there are no scientific studies on it so it's hard to know what to believe when all we have to go on is the odd anecdotal report. Maybe the lack of info is a good sign that not many people seem to get bitten by them as long as they are cared for correctly and respected?

To be on the safe side I treat them like an old world when feeding and rehousing. I.e. I use long tongs in their enclosures to do maintenance and a catch cup to rehouse, whereas with a new world I wouldn't mind it coming onto my hand to be transferred and I will reach in to pick up the water dish.

I do find my Psalmopoeus throw up a threat pose every now and again so I would just say be prepared for that and immediately leave them alone to calm down if they do so :p


west jordan utah
Hahaha my P irminia is calm just fast but my tiny P victori is gonna b the one I get bit by, she always threat poses and plays tug of war with anything I stick in there for maintenance! This will be interesting to see if anyone has been bitten
Always remember, Psalmopeous have worse attitudes and venom than most of your new world T's. There are others though. Ephebophus (sp) are supposed to be pretty knarly as well but have not kept any so don't know from personal experience!
Yes Mercy I have kept all Psalmopeous species but the newer black Psalmopeous and I believe there is a Lagenbucheri or something like that. Don't know the spelling! My Emeraldus is more bolty ,can't remember her giving me a threat poses but she is the only T ( so far) to escape while feeding. My Ecclesiasticus on the other hand is meaner than a lot of my Chilobrachys. My male Irminia is not bad. I have a recently added full grown female Irminia and don't know her temperament as she is still in the less than stellar enclosure she is in! Dread the re-home...lol And lastly my male Cambridgei, Bain rip! After he maled out was a sweetheart out of the whole bunch! But all have differing temperaments within the same species! Example: I have 2 Harpactira Cafreriana slings and one has given me threat poses with stridulating and the other just hides and hunkers down. But all are fun !!


west jordan utah
Yes Mercy I have kept all Psalmopeous species but the newer black Psalmopeous and I believe there is a Lagenbucheri or something like that. Don't know the spelling! My Emeraldus is more bolty ,can't remember her giving me a threat poses but she is the only T ( so far) to escape while feeding. My Ecclesiasticus on the other hand is meaner than a lot of my Chilobrachys. My male Irminia is not bad. I have a recently added full grown female Irminia and don't know her temperament as she is still in the less than stellar enclosure she is in! Dread the re-home...lol And lastly my male Cambridgei, Bain rip! After he maled out was a sweetheart out of the whole bunch! But all have differing temperaments within the same species! Example: I have 2 Harpactira Cafreriana slings and one has given me threat poses with stridulating and the other just hides and hunkers down. But all are fun !!
Hahahaha omg u are like my friend she loves Psalmos and has like 2-3 of each kind! They are all fun! I always keep the stories I hear in the back of my mind and try to judge each spider individually ever since “curly are great beginners” my big boy literally jumped up the tongs about 3-4 inches for a roach!! That was a long time ago but I will say I stopped putting my hand in there real fast fell in love and bought more T albos!! Oh man it’s crazy how they can stridulate But I’m oddly intrigued by it!! I have never heard it except on videos but I’ll rewatch those ones like 10 times in a row
Hahahaha omg u are like my friend she loves Psalmos and has like 2-3 of each kind! They are all fun! I always keep the stories I hear in the back of my mind and try to judge each spider individually ever since “curly are great beginners” my big boy literally jumped up the tongs about 3-4 inches for a roach!! That was a long time ago but I will say I stopped putting my hand in there real fast fell in love and bought more T albos!! Oh man it’s crazy how they can stridulate But I’m oddly intrigued by it!! I have never heard it except on videos but I’ll rewatch those ones like 10 times in a row
Got a story on my only T Albo. I was in Pet Smart buying crickets and she was ( suspect female! She has only molted once in the 2 plus years I had her but believe she is WC and has some age to her due to the excessively long pre molt) in total stress curl on top of the plastic fake hide! Stole my heart as I couldn't stand seeing her like this when I walked out! Got home all I could think about! Went back and rescued her! Once home I had to get her out of the swamp she was in. I'm just back in the hobbie and I'm thinking calmer new world! Soooooo I lifted her out hide and all onto the table. I barely touched her back leg and WHHHAAAAAMMMM! She nailed the paint brush in less than the blink of an eye!! New worlders just as fast old when they want be.. lol. But the good news is no more stress and she seems very happy, never kicks hairs, no threat poses and one of, if not the best, behaved Ts I own! Her name is Totec! One of the few we named so far! Love her and after she molted was just stunning! Absolutely gorgeous! T Albos are underrated in my book!!


west jordan utah
Got a story on my only T Albo. I was in Pet Smart buying crickets and she was ( suspect female! She has only molted once in the 2 plus years I had her but believe she is WC and has some age to her due to the excessively long pre molt) in total stress curl on top of the plastic fake hide! Stole my heart as I couldn't stand seeing her like this when I walked out! Got home all I could think about! Went back and rescued her! Once home I had to get her out of the swamp she was in. I'm just back in the hobbie and I'm thinking calmer new world! Soooooo I lifted her out hide and all onto the table. I barely touched her back leg and WHHHAAAAAMMMM! She nailed the paint brush in less than the blink of an eye!! New worlders just as fast old when they want be.. lol. But the good news is no more stress and she seems very happy, never kicks hairs, no threat poses and one of, if not the best, behaved Ts I own! Her name is Totec! One of the few we named so far! Love her and after she molted was just stunning! Absolutely gorgeous! T Albos are underrated in my book!!
So glad u found Totec!! It’s so hard to see how T’s are kept at stores!! And surprisingly PetSmart keeps them better than my local reptile stores do!!! Maybe a bit moist but always do sad to me! They really are underrated idk if it’s because they are so easily found or if they are easy to breed but I overlooked them so often for that reason wanting a more “rarer” species. But I love them!! That makes my heart happy to hear how she’s no longer in stress curl and happy!! My big boys in premolt his abdomen blackened about 3 weeks ago I can’t wait to see what he looks like after!! Hahahahahaha I don’t have any old worlds but yeah I will never forget that speed!!!

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