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US Adult Females, MM's & Slings

Doc Miller

Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Sanford FL
Adult Females, MM's & Slings
Brachypelma smithi 4 1/2 - 5 in adult female .. .$150
Brachypelma boehmei 4 1/2 - 5 in adult female $175
Cyriocosmus sellatus slings ................................$20
Psalmopoeus irminia female 5+ in.......................$85...
3i 3/4 Lasiodora difficilis slings .......3 for............. $30
Nhandu Chromatus 3 in……… ..………...............$30
Euathlus trunculentus 4/28 ..................................$50
Lasiodora difficilis 4/6...........................................$60
Inquire for shipping charge
LAG 100% of the animal on over night shipments & 2 day within reasonable temps .
Not responsible for extreme weather or shipping delays

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