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absolutely hooked


Active Member
3 Year Member
SO EXCITED!!!! i just ordered my 3rd and 4th t's!! they should be arriving tomorrow. i now have a euathlus sp red(1/2"), a brachypelma albopilosum (3/4") and my newbies are a Acanthoscurria geniculata (1/4") and a Lasiodora parahybana (3/4")

Payden King

Active Member
3 Year Member
Soon you'll be on 8 and 9 lol!! That's what I'm on. I just started a little over a year ago. I now have a Grammastola Rosea, a Brachypelma Smithi, an Avicularia Avicularia, an Avicularia Versicolor, an Acanthoscurria Geniculata, Theraphosa Stirmi, Ceratogyrus Darlingi. I just ordered another Brachypelma Smithi and a Brachypelma Albopilosum!! So addicting. I love them!! We actually had a power outage today and I have them all on my floor with blankets on each tank till the heater kicks in some heat again!!


Active Member
3 Year Member
EEEK they came today!!!! i was so relieved when the package got here. the shipment was supposed to be here thursday and didn't get here until today(4 days late). all the t's are doing good, and tarantula canada sent me a free lasiodora parahybana(1/4") which molted on the way here. and now my brachypelma albopilosum just molted for the second time this month!!! crazy how things work out, i ordered a euathlus sp red and they sent me the b. albopilosum as a freebie, now i ordered the lasiodora parahybana and a acanthoscurria geniculata and get a second lasiodora parahybana as a freebie......i never in my life thought i'd get this many but i've enjoyed every one of them a lot, and now that i've started sharing with others about them people here are getting more curious than scared of them. don't think i'll be giving this up any time soon :D


Active Member
3 Year Member
i love the freebies!! really had me worried that they were so late since it's been so cold here but all is well.. they seem to be recovering right now and are just hanging out in their hides. never expected the one to mold while shipping either, but awesome none the less.


Active Member
3 Year Member
ok, quick question... how long do the fruit fly cultures take to get to the larva stage?? i've had mine for a week now and nothing has hatched! my t's are getting slightly irritated because i feed them weekly but i can't right now because they haven't hatched. i looked into a shipment of pinheads but they would take until the 10th to get here which is another 8 days away... not sure if i should order some or just keep waiting for the flies. i also have some canned(not dehydrated) meal worms i could give them, but i have no idea how good they would be for them. my biggest t is 3/4 inches so i would need something small. the only reason i have canned ones is because we caught a frog in summer and he was eating them we set him free though so now i just have the bugs.

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