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A Fossorial Question Or More....


Active Member
3 Year Member
I have a couple questions. These are general questions not to be clouded by species, size, etc.

What do most of you keep your fossorials in as they mature? I am currently using 8x8x12 glass tanks filled 2/3 the way up. Is this enough surface area for a walk about(as adults), can I go with a smaller surface area s long as I keep the depth? I understand that animal size will play into this a bit for sure.

I am currently in a space crunch and squeezing for room as my little guys mature out

How often are you feeding your juvie/sub adults/adults? Most of mine are currently sub adults and on an every 10 day feeding schedule

Substrate - most of my fossorials do not kick molts out and leave very few boluses. I am running a healthy springtail population in all of my enclosures but will this be enough to keep the substrate healthy when the moults are underground decaying? Are you ever refreshing the substrate?

These are just little questions that sit in the back of my mind as I scramble for room and the desire to keep each of my specimens as comfortable as possible.



Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
1. I keep tiny slings in dram vials until they reach an inch, then they are moved to deli cups. Most of the time it’s the 32 oz deli cups, but I housed my P. muticus in a 16 oz deli cup and has acclimated to it quite well over the last few years that I’ve had it (it’s almost time for a rehouse). I tend to use taller plastic bins for larger specimens. I don’t measure out substrate, I just add more if the substrate doesn’t look deep enough.

2. I feed all of my juvies once a week and sub adults/adults once every other week.

3. I don’t keep springtails so I can’t answer the two parter.

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