I'm planning on getting several slings from this species and raising them communally. I have a question about communal set up. Do I have to raise them from the moment they meet in the big terrarium they are going to live as adults or can I move them from enclosure to enclosure as they get older without them eating each other from the stress of being moved? And is inbreeding a problem? I want them to breed with each other when they get older but they are from the same egg sac. And a final question. I'm afraid their mother was WC because in this store they sell WC animals. I feel a bit guilty but this is the only place in my country where they sell this species and the slings are really cheap. I really want a communal setup with this sp. and I was wondering if it's better to buy one female instead of a lot of slings (can many of them die?). Is it a good idea to buy them and can I move them after they settle in one enclosure? I would appreciate an advice!
I'm planning on getting several slings from this species and raising them communally. I have a question about communal set up. Do I have to raise them from the moment they meet in the big terrarium they are going to live as adults or can I move them from enclosure to enclosure as they get older without them eating each other from the stress of being moved? And is inbreeding a problem? I want them to breed with each other when they get older but they are from the same egg sac. And a final question. I'm afraid their mother was WC because in this store they sell WC animals. I feel a bit guilty but this is the only place in my country where they sell this species and the slings are really cheap. I really want a communal setup with this sp. and I was wondering if it's better to buy one female instead of a lot of slings (can many of them die?). Is it a good idea to buy them and can I move them after they settle in one enclosure? I would appreciate an advice!