I have a new G. Pulchra that has completely covered up the entrance to it's burrow. I read that is normal, does that mean it's molting? I couldn't find any information if it does molt in it's burrow, will it bring that molt to the surface to like get it out of it's burrow? I was just curious what happens to the molt if they molt in the burrow? I just received him last Thursday and by Friday night he buried himself, he didn't just burrow, I see no opening to his burrow. I read shipping/traveling could cause them a lot of stress and possibly put them into a molt or pre molt. It's so hard because he is so dang cute and I'd love to see what's going on. I know to just let him be and do his thing but man this is stressful. He's maybe not quite 1 1/4" he is already all black.
I have a new G. Pulchra that has completely covered up the entrance to it's burrow. I read that is normal, does that mean it's molting? I couldn't find any information if it does molt in it's burrow, will it bring that molt to the surface to like get it out of it's burrow? I was just curious what happens to the molt if they molt in the burrow? I just received him last Thursday and by Friday night he buried himself, he didn't just burrow, I see no opening to his burrow. I read shipping/traveling could cause them a lot of stress and possibly put them into a molt or pre molt. It's so hard because he is so dang cute and I'd love to see what's going on. I know to just let him be and do his thing but man this is stressful. He's maybe not quite 1 1/4" he is already all black.