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  1. B

    US Avics, Pokies, Brachys, balfouri, and some bulk deals.

    Mostly captive bred onsite from quality stock. You are guaranteed a healthy eating machine. I have: ----Tarantula Slings and juveniles---- Avicularia variegata (amazonica) slings ( most colorful pinktoe species) 3/4" inch $65, Brachypelma hamorii 1/2" slings Caribena versicolor large...
  2. U

    UMA Aracnee Wholesale

    Hi Everyone, Hope everything is going well for you guys. We are a Regulated Management Unit for the Conservation of Wildlife in Mexico. As a new project in the company, we are expanding our sales division to connect directly to Online Shops and Retail stores all over USA, our objective is to...
  3. George14

    Where can I bulk purchase tarantula?

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum. I wanna ask where can I bulk purchase Tarantula with a cheaper price? I'm from Malaysia, not sure if the sellers from US or Europe are able to ship their Ts to my country.
  4. NukaMedia Exotics

    US (HUGE HOLIDAY SALE!) Tons of Tarantulas Up to 50% Off (Live Guaranteed!)

    Holiday sale! Prices updated at all time lows temporarily, won't last long! Message me to place an order. Order minimum $50 before shipping costs. Contact via email or private message to order matt@nukamediaexotics.com Checkout my new website! http://www.nukamediaexotics.com/index.html...
  5. Amblypygi

    US Northern Scorpion - Paruroctonus boreus | Wholesale pricing!

    WC Paruroctonus boreus for sale, most are 1"-1.5". I've had them for a while and they've been eating great. Small quantities are $10 each - please contact me for wholesale/bulk discounts Terms: $30 minimum order; $20 for 2-day shipping ; LAG is available for overnight shipping only (price...