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terloo sphinx

  1. Proserpinus terlooii- Terloo sphinx (Larvae)

    Proserpinus terlooii- Terloo sphinx (Larvae)

    the Boerhavia in my yard has been attracting these moths and i was able to grab 14 caterpillars. I intend to culture this species in captivity.
  2. Proserpinus terlooii- Terloo Sphinx (female)

    Proserpinus terlooii- Terloo Sphinx (female)

    Unlike most sphingidae, Proserpinus terlooii is a diurnal flier, which is why it's poorly documented- most specimens seen came to lights at dusk, leading researchers to incorrectly assume it's crepuscular. It behaves more like the related hummingbird clearwing in the genus Hemaris as an adult.
  3. Proserpinus terlooii- Terloo Sphinx (male)

    Proserpinus terlooii- Terloo Sphinx (male)

    A rare and stunning mint-green macroglossine sphinx moth. males are smaller with a wingspan approx. 30 mm females grow larger- up to 60mm in wingspan. they only lay eggs on Boerhavia sp, better known as 'spiderlings'.