Are you a Tarantula hobbyist? If so, we invite you to join our community! Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your pets and enclosures and chat with other Tarantula enthusiasts. Sign up today!
My first Acanthoscurria Geniculata is arriving next week (It's a young juvie spood). I have a square cube Tarantula Room enclosure ready for its arrival, but I'm wondering how best to position the substrate. I've seen on a lot of husbandry photos and videos that like to slant the...
Wanted to start a thread for everyone to show their Tarantula collections. No matter how many you have this is the place to show your collection. Only have one on a shelf...share it!!! You've been hoarding a basement full of spiders for years...share it!!! Photos of Shelving, lights, and other T...