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Adult female Babycurus gigas (possibly gravid)- this lady is in a communal setup of 1.2....they were all together under one piece of cork bark. She has separated from the group leaving the male and other female. Now, the male has separated himself from the other female as well.
Semi new to scorpion care but have been taking care of inverts off and on through my life. I love the idea of communal species and am looking for some T. stigmurus scorpions to get my own colony started.
Thanks for looking!
WC Paruroctonus boreus for sale, most are 1"-1.5". I've had them for a while and they've been eating great.
Small quantities are $10 each - please contact me for wholesale/bulk discounts
Terms: $30 minimum order; $20 for 2-day shipping ; LAG is available for overnight shipping only (price...
Tell me what you think of this, Ive aimed it for scorps for this weekend, but it's for slings too. I know all this stuff is not essential, but have I missed anything?
This is a starter kit, the aim is if you dont own a scorp or sling this is everything you'll need for a while. Bear in mind that...
Here are two of my Uradacus yaschenkoi babies , 2nd instar going by the chart in Mark Newtons book.
I collected them myself from the Murray Mallee region in South Australia using pitfall traps. I set 7 traps, got 6 of these babies and one larger. I only had shallow tubs with me (individual kfc...
Who couldn't resist such a pretty face!! I'm not gonna go square dancing with her any time soon!!
Kinda reminds me of a seedy bar I was in when underaged back long ago....
1 by MathiasVG posted Jun 23, 2017 at 7:46 PM
2 by MathiasVG posted Jun 23, 2017 at 7:46 PM
3 by MathiasVG posted Jun 23, 2017 at 7:43 PM
5 by MathiasVG posted Jun 23, 2017 at 7:43 PM
6 by MathiasVG posted Jun 23, 2017 at 7:43 PM
Pandinus dictator CB babies unsexed, 3" $80 each, 4" $110 each...