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  1. Dave Jay

    Not a sales pitch

    Tell me what you think of this, Ive aimed it for scorps for this weekend, but it's for slings too. I know all this stuff is not essential, but have I missed anything? This is a starter kit, the aim is if you dont own a scorp or sling this is everything you'll need for a while. Bear in mind that...
  2. Dave Jay


  3. Dave Jay

    Urodacus yaschenkoi

    Here are two of my Uradacus yaschenkoi babies , 2nd instar going by the chart in Mark Newtons book. I collected them myself from the Murray Mallee region in South Australia using pitfall traps. I set 7 traps, got 6 of these babies and one larger. I only had shallow tubs with me (individual kfc...
  4. Lovely!! The water of life

    Lovely!! The water of life

    Who couldn't resist such a pretty face!! I'm not gonna go square dancing with her any time soon!! Kinda reminds me of a seedy bar I was in when underaged back long ago....
  5. MathiasVG

    US Pandinus dictator

    1 by MathiasVG posted Jun 23, 2017 at 7:46 PM 2 by MathiasVG posted Jun 23, 2017 at 7:46 PM 3 by MathiasVG posted Jun 23, 2017 at 7:43 PM 5 by MathiasVG posted Jun 23, 2017 at 7:43 PM 6 by MathiasVG posted Jun 23, 2017 at 7:43 PM Pandinus dictator CB babies unsexed, 3" $80 each, 4" $110 each...