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red leg

  1. Reptilian Nation Expo


    All New Reptile Expo in Denver, CO.!!! This will be our 10th event, but 1st time in Denver, so please show your support!! 1000s of Reptiles, Amphibians, Arachnids and Supplies for Sale!! Tons of Breeders/Vendors. Shows and Exhibits.. DATES/TIMES July 21, 2018 (10am-5pm) July 22, 2018...
  2. Ethel Webster

    B. Emilia sling!

    Around 10 days ago I got a B. Emilia sling. Right now it looks more like an 8 legged baked bean! It hasn't eaten since it arrived, it runs away from food and ignored pre killed. I guess it may be in pre moult or just selling in still. It's water bowl is an empty ibuprofen blister!