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phiddipus regius

  1. Q


    Hello! I’m a new hobbyist, so far I have a T albo, and A Aviculara, and three Phiddipus regius. I’m excited to be here!
  2. Rosiesjumpingspiders

    US Regal jumping spiders dime a dozen!

    This little girl fell in love with her dime! So Dime a Dozen. $10 each. No limit!
  3. J

    Phiddipus Regius Phantom Egg Sacs?

    Hey all, (My first post here) I have had my little dude since April 2022. For the past month or so, she had enclosed herself in webbing with a small opening. There has been a round mound in her web for a while and she’s rarely come out. Nope. I bought her as a captive sub adult and she has...
  4. M

    Not a Tarantula, but can someone sex my juvenile Regius?

    Hi, I’m new here so please forgive me if I’m doing it wrong. I got this beautiful gray Regius at a reptile expo last weekend. My breeder said that its a male, and I usually trust her judgement, but I’m having doubts. What do you think?
  5. Jumping Spiders! Spider Collection Feature Part 2

    Jumping Spiders! Spider Collection Feature Part 2

    I started out with two P. regius and it all snowballed from there. Had to do an entire vid on the regius collection since I have so many of them. The color variants really make them special As always if I say something wrong feel free to discuss with me. I'm always open to learn
  6. yatesmrs

    US Chromatus and Regius

    I have n chromatus slings, p texanus and p regius jumping spiders. Everyone is $15 each plus shipping. Right now, I am only shipping to/from good weather. * Shipping is ONLY Fedex Overnight/2 day. * If you're in/near Houston, I won't ship - only pick up. * I only Venmo and PayPal, but will...