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#help me

  1. J

    Purchasing Poecilotheria Metallica and Sustainability Issues.

    I recently realised that Poecilotheria Metallica is critically endangered. I once thought to add it to my collection in the future, but now realising that they are critically endangered, I am now in a perpetual debate and in indecisive turmoil. On the one hand, purchasing, breeding and...
  2. S

    Trinidad Dwarf wont eat??

    Hi folks! I've had this Trinidad dwarf tiger tarantula for around a year now, her name is Marmalade and when I first started keeping here she was a somewhat sluggish eater but eventually she got into the swing of things. The breeder I got her from told me that she was a fully mature female and...
  3. LtSnep

    Help please.

    Hi guys, I have a Dubia Colony for my Tarantulas and I found a couple of these catapillar looking things in the colony, I'm not sure what they are exactly or if they're harmful to my colony. Any advice would be welcome, I'm fairly new to the hobby, only 5months I've been at it. If anyone else...
  4. R

    Help my tarantula lost two of her legs and I don't know what to do

    I have an Arizona blonde tarantula named Athena. I got it about a year and half ago and until the last couple months she has been doing really good. But up until July she stopped eating and I thought this was because she was going through a premolt and I had just given her an upgrade into a new...
  5. KateSpoods

    Are they worth the money?

    So I live in the UK and I have come across a sub-adult Female Pamphobeteus Sp. Ultramarinus (£275) and Sub-adult Female Pamphobeteus Sp. Esmeraldas (£167) alongside some other pretty nice species. I cannot find any slings of these 2 nevermind sub-adult females and was wondering if they are...
  6. R

    Have I been spoiled by MorohMarket sellers….

    I have only been keeping tarantulas for a month, literally. First I need to state that I have a severe fear of roaches and bugs in general, but I appreciate spiders cause they control bug populations. Not that I didn’t fear them before, but a necessary evil if you will. Then about 2 months ago...
  7. Mean.uwu

    Help. (molting again???)

    Hi, I got a Red Rump Tarantula last September and it is my first spider. She's been fine, moulted well a month ago, and hasn't displayed any abnormal behaviour until today. She made a bunch of webbing over the wall and ground and layed on top of it on her back. I went through Google and it kept...