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  1. C

    US Looking for larger female Grammostola

    Hello all! I'm new here so please forgive me - I'm still learning. I'm looking for a larger female (at least 3" but preferably larger) G. Pulchripes or G. Pulchra. I know slings are common and I can get a sling anywhere, but i'd much rather not raise from a sling. Good temperament is a must. Thanks!
  2. B

    G.pulchra 2"

    First molt was February 12th and he/she molted again on March 16th. Finally threw the molt into the water dish and was able to get some good photos. I am thinking it's a male. Any thoughts?
  3. H

    G. Pulchra

    hi Would anyone be able to guess the sex of my 6cm G.pulchra please?