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brazilian black
brazilian black tarantula
gpulchrag. pulchrag. pulchra male
grammastola pulchragrammostolapulchra
Hey everyone,
I can't make out anything on this molt. I am thinking male but also still too small to tell. This is a 1.5 to 1.75 in pulchra. Tried looking under a microscope but still wasn't really sure if I could make out anything. Attached are bunch of different photos in different lighting to...
Hello all! I’m new to this site, I’ve been on Arachnoboards for a while but wanted to try this out.
This is not my own T but someone I know owns it but has no idea what it is.
(Being new to the tarantula hobby I also have no idea lol)
My immediate reaction would be G. pulchra but that seems to...
Nice to join you all. I have a 9 year old mm G. pulchra that I raised from a sling. He is wonderful and he brought me into the awesome world of Ts!
I came here to seek breeding advice and maybe even find a mate for this dude if he isn't too old to mate.