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  1. PXL_20211207_031112981.jpg


    Jessica, Lasiodorides polycuspulatus. She's been eating really well and I think her colonation is changing and she may be a bit more fluffy and leggy. Yeah
  2. Etsy spiderling water dishes.jpg

    Etsy spiderling water dishes.jpg

    Spiderling resin water dishes from Etsy.com ShaysSpiders
  3. PXL_20211107_141252486.jpg


    Lasiodorides polycuspulatus sling with feeder cricket 11/7/2010
  4. Attach466_20211105_174738.jpg


    My baby tarantula's goofy little face is so amusing. His little nearsighted eyes so close together. The little circle of his head. My husband pointed out that this child looks like Spanish painting Ecce Homo which was botched by Cecilia Giménez.
  5. Freshly molted acanthoscurria geniculata.

    Freshly molted acanthoscurria geniculata.

    My fresly molted acanthoscurria geniculata being a true hotty. As a reward i gave her a superworm. (the superworm is not in this photo as she ran into her burrow after giving her the worm.)