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Search results

  1. O

    New Tarantula (Brachypelma Auratum)

    Hey guys!!! As much as I miss my sweet Jane, this boy drew me in with his lil candlestick legs. Meet Fuego Indica, my Brachypelma Auratum. He’s definitely a little heftier, I can hear the lil taps of his feet when he gets spooked (accidental ofc). I hope y’all can come on this silly little...
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    Curly Hair Death

    thank you so much. it’s been tough, they were my first baby. i hope to try again and make her proud.
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    Curly Hair Death

    Hello, this isn’t the post I wanted to be making after only two short months with my sweet Jane. They were loved and so greatly cared for by so much of my family along with my friends, and I sat by their side as they took their final steps. I have no clue what happened. All I can guess is that a...
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    Worried about impaction, need advice!

    Hi! My curly hair sling hasn’t been pooping in the last week or so, they did once after molt and that’s it. They are in no way lethargic but have been avoiding food after molting. I’m happy to see they created a bit of a door for their hide, they seem quite well otherwise. I’m worried because...
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    Slightly Odd Behaviour

    Hi! My sling has just recently molted (~1 week ago) and has not been hungry. She’s been standing in odd positions and I’ve also noticed this little area on her butt. Is this normal or should I be concerned?
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    Curly Hair stuck in molt

    thankfully they made it out with no ailments! will keep your kind advice in mind in case i have future troubles. i appreciate your quick responses relating to all of my questions! i’m a bit of a freak show with my new baby.
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    Curly Hair stuck in molt

    Hello! My sling just molted this morning, and I’m wondering what I should do as their molt is attached slightly to their rump by their spinerettes. Do I wait longer or help out with some warm water on a Q-Tip? Thanks!
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    Nicaraguan Curly Hair Molting?

    Lil Jane has stopped eating and her rump is a lot darker/rounder. I believe she’s in premolt, however I can’t really tell as the research I’ve done doesn’t 100% confirm it. What do y’all think?! First pic is her now, second is her when I moved her from one enclosure to another
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    Tlitlocatl Albopilosum (Nicaraguan Curly Hair)

    I am always lucky to catch sweet Jane grooming themselves. Such a lucky catch, i love those lil scritches!
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    My first tarantula, a Tliltocatl Albipilosus light patch

    they are just beauts, aren’t they?! fed her once and she’s already got that big bum, can’t wait to document her growth!
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    My first tarantula, a Tliltocatl Albipilosus light patch

    thank you so much! i’m a total freak show about this lil baby already
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    My first tarantula, a Tliltocatl Albipilosus light patch

    I have just recently purchased my Nicaraguan Curly Hair sling and today noticed a light patch on their rear. First pic is when I transferred them to a proper enclosure, the second is today. I’ve done some research, but I thought it’d be best to ask here as well. I’m not too sure it’s premolt...