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My husband is working on making a new home for our 7 ft boa. We will see if he ever finishes it. but now I want him to make an enclosure for my T. They look awesome, and I will reach out to you when my T gets bigger!
Since my little one's (T. Albo) last molt it has been extremely active. Like climbing the sides of the enclosure, not burrowing and hanging in its water dish. it is so fun to watch! At what point do they become a juvenile?
Yeah, my plan was not that it would eat all 3... lol I was just thinking he would take one. Lesson learned. I definitely plan to wait to feed it for a good while. :)
He also likes to leave the carcass in the water dish. After he vacated his little dish I found 2 cricket legs. The dish is clean now and he is back in the burrow. :)
So I dropped in 3 crickets last night... they are all gone this morning. Is it normal for a sling to eat 3 crickets???? Is it stock-piling them somewhere or just really hungry? Today he is just sitting in his water dish which is almost dry.... I'm gonna let Velcro do its thing and wait a good...
Soooo. Super stoked... excuse my new mom nerd-ness for my first T. But I was really worried about my sling not eating.... got lots of good advice from this forum... and I just want to share how awesome my baby Velcro is! He caught and destroyed his first "big" cricket since his molt! I am slowly...
Thank you for all of this advice. Anthropomorphism is truly a bad way to gauge feeding your pet. (think feeding dogs a grain-free diet because our society believes grains and gluten are bad. Now we have a slew of dogs with massive heart issues from a grain-free diet) I was really worried about...
I can't wait. my little t. Albo is all about that! hehe That is the best part of having a reptile or spider. You can't predict what they will do. Although with my boa I can read its body language pretty damn well and we have a "connection" I know people think I am crazy. I love when clean my...
I think mine definitely would from the personality I have already seen from this little one. It has always been super active and digging the "perfect" burrow until it decided to molt. I was expecting a little spider that would just chill but this one is creative and likes to explore its habitat...
Well next time stop by BreakTime in Goleta off Fairview. My sister-in-law owns it. Its a great little dive bar. We even moved one of the pool tables outside. Very cool people. Love to pick your brain on T's! Hit me up anytime!
Wow! 9 to 102! I wouldn't even know how to care or where to put them all! My goal is to set up a really natural terrarium and habitat for Velcro, then not tell anyone there is a T in there. I am doing research on habitats and natural plants for husbandry.
Yeah, I am building a new enclosure for my boa, then that tank which is 8ft will be my new aquarium for my fish that are outgrowing their current tank. Haven't thought too much yet for my slings new enclosure but for now it's in a small little enclosure since it is only about 1- 1.5 inches, but...
That's good to know! I am seriously developing an obsession with all the varieties of T's I am learning about. There are so many beautiful and fascinating T's out there. One day I will work up to getting a Theraphosa Stirmi, but that will be when I am not a novice with these beautiful creatures.
I'm seriously impressed!!! Almost looks like my bedroom after a fun night!Bwahahahah! Now I want a T that will shoot poop, although that looks messy AF and annoying to clean. Is this normal for them or a defense mechanism?
Wait.... T's can shoot their poop!!!!! o_O I have seen my boa throw up a rat that it ate 2 days prior, and that was probably the nastiest noise/smell I have ever encountered, and I this is coming from the girl that had a dog (patient) with parvo and roundworms throw up on my head. (I worked in...
I just named mine Velcro! My daughter suggested Thistle, Foxtail, or Bubble Butt? Hahah I give my pets weird names. My mastiff was Sir Fritchoff Slobber Chops, (Slobs) for short. My boxer is Pup and the other Pickle. My other dog (pug/Boston mix) is Silly Cabbage Head, my cats Goober and Guido...