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Search results

  1. Ratmosphere

    US WANTED: MM Cyriocosmus elegans, MM D. diamantinensis, Female blue femur wandering spiders

    WANTED: MM Cyriocosmus elegans MM Dolichothele diamantinensis Female Macroctenus kingsleyi blue femur wandering spiders I am looking to get these spiders. I am in Connecticut so I can do local meetups, as well as pay for shipping. Please be able to provide the mature dates of the males.
  2. Ratmosphere

    Tarantula Cribs Treehouse Switch Large Review

    Today I will be reviewing the Tarantula Cribs Treehouse Switch Large. This is a very nice acrylic enclosure that has dimensions of 8" x 8" x 12". In comparison to something like an Exo Terra Nano with similar dimensions, this enclosure actually measures what is says it is. Exo Terra Nanos are...
  3. Ratmosphere

    Avicularia/Caribena: How to create an enclosure for slings.

    Before I start, I need to say that this is the method that works best for me when keeping half inch slings. I see so many new people on this forum ask "How do I set up an enclosure for a my Avicularia/Caribena sling?" Hopefully this will help. What you will need: A drill, a 1/16" drill bit...
  4. Ratmosphere

    US Tarantula Cribs Treehouse Large (8" x 8" x 12") And Exo Terra Nano Replacement Lids! (8" x 8")

    Brand new in packaging! Tarantula Cribs Treehouse Large (8" x 8" x 12") $60 Brand new in packaging! Exo Terra Nano Acrylic Replacement Lids with silver magnet! (Fits 8" x 8" 8" and 8" x 8" x 12" Exo Terras) $20 Brand new, no original packaging! Exo Terra Nano Acrylic Replacement Lids with...
  5. Ratmosphere

    US Female 2 3/16" Dolichothele diamantinensis! Local Pickup In CT

    Wanting to meetup in Connecticut. Do not wish to ship due to the cold weather. The spider in the picture is the exact specimen you will be receiving. Not firm! Feel free to send an offer. Open to trades as well! Looking for Cyriocosmus elegans females, any rare Avicularia species, T. seladonia...
  6. Ratmosphere

    WARNING: Strictly Reptiles

    Bought from them one time in the past, got my first DOA shipment in today. All items purchased from them were inverts, all items are packed the same. Picked it up at a FedEx location and had a DOA tarantula. The package was horribly packed, they do not use the secure paper towel method like...
  7. Ratmosphere


    Wanting to meetup in Connecticut. Spiders come with proper enclosure! This includes an acrylic box with airholes, and substrate that will last them a long time. They look really nice as well. Feel free to message me for pictures or videos. Also down to trade depending on what you have...
  8. Ratmosphere

    US (FOR SALE OR TRADE) Eresus walckenaeri available for local pickup in CT or White Plains Reptile Expo

    Wanting to meetup in Connecticut or at the White Plains Reptile Expo. Spider comes with proper enclosure! This includes an AMAC box with airholes, and substrate. The spider in the picture is the exact specimen you will be receiving. Not firm! Feel free to send an offer. Open to trades as well...
  9. Ratmosphere

    US Caribena versicolor and more! Local Pickup in CT or White Plains Reptile Expo

    Wanting to meetup in Connecticut or at the White Plains Reptile Expo. I am moving and need these rehomed. All of them come with proper enclosure! This includes an AMAC box with airholes, substrate, and water dish. Not firm! Feel free to send an offer. Pictured are the exact spiders for sale. I...
  10. Ratmosphere

    US F.S. Few tarantulas (local pickup only)

    Local pickup at White Plains reptile expo Sept 8th 8:30am. 2x Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens adult females- $150 each or take both for $250 1x Hapolopus sp. Colombia lg female- $75 or take all for $300.
  11. Ratmosphere

    US Tarantulas/others for sale!

    Caribena versicolor mature pair- $300 Juvie Chromatopelma cyaneopubecens pair- $185 2.75" Hapolopus Sp. Colombia female- $70 5" Acanthoscurria geniculata- $150 Pandinus imperator female- $60 CAPTIVE BRED 3" Aphonopelma chalcodes female- SOLD 1" Grammostola pulchra spiderling- $55 Around...
  12. Ratmosphere

    US True Spiders/Tarantula for sale! (Local pickup only!)

    Grammostola pulchra unsexed 1" sling- $100 or $115 with enclosure. Acanthogonatus francki mature male- $35 or $55 with enclosure. Hogna carolinensis large female- $35 or $55 with enclosure. Viridasius fasciatus unsexed 1" sling- $50 or $60 with enclosure. Viridasius fasciatus penultimate...
  13. Ratmosphere

    US Acanthoscurria geniculata

    Looking to buy a juvenile female Acanthoscurria geniculata. PM me with price/TOS. Thank you.
  14. Ratmosphere

    Average price of female C. versi

    What is an average price of an adult female C. versicolor?
  15. Ratmosphere

    Tarantula prices, are they worth it?

    Grammostola pulchra 5" female: $450 Pamphobeteus ultramarinus 2.5" female: $475 P. metallica 1.75" female: $300 Xenesthis sp. blue 2.5" female: $450 Are these prices worth paying for tarantulas of these sizes? Is it standard? If it is not, what are some normal prices?
  16. Ratmosphere

    Scolopendra gigantea handling

    My little venomous dog. Love this thing so much.
  17. Ratmosphere

    US Selling Scolopendra galapagoensis

    Selling 7" Scolopendra galapagoensis black form for $460 shipped. Looking for female Grammostola pulchra and I'd be more than happy to trade the centipede for one. Hit me up!
  18. Ratmosphere

    US Want to buy Euathlus sp. red

    Buying Euathlus sp. red juveniles/adults! No slings, PM me!
  19. Ratmosphere

    Two A. versicolor

    #1 #2 Could you tell if these could be sexed yet? Or are they too young?
  20. Ratmosphere

    House flies as food option for arboreal slings?

    Can house flies be used as a food option for Avicularia versicolor slings? I have way too many flies right now and want to put them to good use.