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Search results

  1. Enn49

    Advice please.

    I have a juvi OBT (around 2" dls) that is driving me to distraction. I'll give the time line of what has been going on. 6th Feb - fed and ate 2 crickets. 8th Feb - rehoused it from a 4" glass cube into an 8x8x12" glass arboreal tank. It slid out of the catch cup (only about half an inch)...
  2. Enn49

    Who says Ts are stupid?

    A few months ago, while I was out, my son heard a scratching noise and on investigating fund my l. parahybana with four feet out of a gap in the door of her container. Luckily I keep a wedge in her doors so she hadn't been able to push the door further open. Using a brush he got her legs back...
  3. Enn49

    3 new arrivals in our house.

    Since I let most of my Ts go recently my son has been itching to fill one of the empty ExoTerras that I had. It just happened a week or so ago I got an email from The Spider Shop, UK and amongst other things they were advertising a Desert Buddy Box. My son ,as soon as he saw what was in it...
  4. Enn49

    LA fires

    I know some of our members live in the California area and hope you and yours are all safe. The views we are seeing in the UK are devastating and it must be terrifying to live in the vicinity.
  5. Enn49

    Happy New Year

    All the best for 2025 to you and yours.
  6. Enn49

    A very sad week for me.

    It began a week ago today when the Cat's Protection League came to collect 2 of my 3 beloved cats. My son and I decided that due to us both suffering poor health it was best to rehome the 2 boys as they were too big and boisterous for us to cope with in our very small bungalow. We have kept the...
  7. Enn49

    R.I.P. Inca

    My old lady, Inca, the 18 year old Brachypelma hamorii has sadly died. I took her in when her previous owner @Emilyb emigrated from the UK just 4 years ago and she has been a joy to own. She loved her food and sitting in the sunshine but I think the hot weather we've had here has hastened her...
  8. Enn49

    Rehouses 16/05/2024

    It's taken me long enough but today I finally rehoused my last few Ts, for a while anyway. First off was my Monocentropus balfouri, Halah. I thought this one would be a problem but it went fairly smoothly. Now this one did give me the run around, my Ornithoctonus aureotibialis, Kymer. (see...
  9. Enn49

    My first T bite

    Well after 10 years of keeping Ts and never had a bite or being haired all changed today during rehousing, my Ornithoctonus aureotibialis (about 2" dls) made a bid for freedom twice. First time I caught Kymer in the confines of the tub I had new and old containers in, with a catch cup. Playing...
  10. Enn49

    Rehouses 11/03/2024

    I finally got these picks loaded, had to buy a new data cable. They have al moved from their 4" cubes into 11”L x 6.5”W x 4”H acrylic containers and all behaved during their moves. Lasiocyano sazimai, Bonito Ornithoctonus sp. Uthai Thani, Shan Idiothele mira, Karoo
  11. Enn49

    Rehouses 19/02/2024

    I promised Levisa, my Phormictopus auratus, a larger container so today she got it. And while I was at it I also rehoused Limpopo, my Ceratogyrus darlingii
  12. Enn49

    ID please

    My son found this on our living room floor already dead but we have no idea what it is. It's definitely not one of my Ts. I'm not sure if it is a resident here in the UK or something that has come in on shopping. Dls is around 1".
  13. Enn49

    Happy New Year

    I hope you and yours have a great 2024
  14. Enn49

    Happy holiday everyone

    Best wishes everyone for a great time.
  15. Enn49

    Rehousing 13/11/2023

    I finally got round to rehousing a few off my youngest Ts from their 3" cubes into 4" cubes. None of them gave me any trouble, thank goodness. All water bowls will be filled shortly. Ornithoctonus sp. Uthai Thani, Shan Ceratogyrus darlingii, Limpopo Pterinochilus murinus Usambara mountain...
  16. Enn49

    A happy couple brought together by Tarantula Forum

    Congratulations to ilovebrachys and Rs50matt who tied the knot this morning. Wishing them a very happy future together
  17. Enn49

    Giant fossil spider found in Australia

  18. Enn49

    Rehousing 14/09/2023

    Finally today I managed to get some of my bigger Ts moved into their hopefully permanent homes. They are now in 12x10x10" vivariums. All behaved impeccably. Phormictopus atrichomatus, Amapa Grammostola pulchra, Massa Brachypelma boehmei, Pachuca. It has done nothing but clamber up the glass...
  19. Enn49

    A Western Hognose doing what they do best.

    Hognoses are diurnal snakes that love to burrow. Wyatt spends all day cruising around his vivarium digging new tunnels as he goes.