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Search results

  1. spidysoph

    My little Lucy girl reappeared! But she seems sickly... :(

    As some of you may or may not know, one of my T's escaped into a vent and was missing for about a month. She reappeared today and I could not be happier :') However, her rump is extremely small and she is (understandably) showing signs of trauma (for lack of a better term...). I got her in a jar...
  2. spidysoph

    T escaped into vent

    My little tarantula escaped into my friend's (who is scared of spiders) vent. Could she get into someone else's apartment through the vent? Is she dead from the heat of the vent? Will she show up randomly in my friend's apartment? Is there a timeline of when this might happen/where she might go...
  3. spidysoph

    Best soil for my ~1 year old pink toe Lucy?

    I accidentally put a bit too much water in her enclosure and now the soil is molding (this happens with my plants sometimes too because I overwater them, ugh.) The soil I was using was just what the person at the reptile store I got her from recommended and I do not remember what kind of soil it...
  4. spidysoph

    What would be a good special snack for a T?

    Can I give my T a special snack every now and then? Like a worm or betel of some sort?
  5. spidysoph

    young pink toe not eating very much?

    I am new to the tarantula mom world and I love baby lucy more and more every day. Anyways, is it normal for they/them to not be eating a lot? I was told that T's eat about 5 small-medium crickets a week, however, mine is about a year old and will eat one medium-sized cricket a week on average...
  6. spidysoph

    baby pink paws :')

  7. spidysoph

    new tarantula mom here!!!

    Hi! I have always wanted a tarantula since high school, however, I have always had parents or roommates living with me who have all disapproved. Now that I finally live alone (with my dog) I just adopted my first tranchy! He/she is a 1-year-old pink toe named Lucy (non-gender conforming). I...