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  1. Nemoq

    Help identify please

    Oh sorry will take it there thank you
  2. Nemoq

    Help identify please

    She is still small so.it is hard to see and i also read that alot of beginners mistake her and the grammastola pulchripes.
  3. Nemoq

    Help identify please

    Here is another one
  4. Nemoq

    Help identify please

    Hi i got a Eupalaestras Campestratus as a gift can you please confirm if it is this species hope you can see the pic properly
  5. Nemoq

    Need help please

    This pic was taken today
  6. Nemoq

    Need help please

    I hope someone reads this. Gambit is webbing like crazy now. should i try and feed him ? as you guys said it might be that he is getting ready to molt.
  7. Nemoq

    Need help please

    Will do that tanx guys
  8. Nemoq

    Need help please

    Oky sorry for asking but what is a ventral shot?
  9. Nemoq

    Need help please

    Yeah I agree. But I first want to learn enough before I take on another T. They are like family and I don't want them to suffer. so I will first get the ropes then I will get more many many more haha :p
  10. Nemoq

    Need help please

    Thank you. His name is Gambit and he is my first. First of many I hope.
  11. Nemoq

    Need help please

    never mind that pic will not work I will just wait till he is mature and check him out.
  12. Nemoq

    Need help please

    Here you go
  13. Nemoq

    Need help please

    Haha that makes sence let me see if I have a better pic I know its difficult to see from.pics but ey its worth a try
  14. Nemoq

    Need help please

    oky first of all why do you guys keep refering to my T as a her does she look female? just wondering and i love the fact that this might be a molt.
  15. Nemoq

    Hi Martin just want to say hi to a fellow South African. hope i can press on your button if i...

    Hi Martin just want to say hi to a fellow South African. hope i can press on your button if i need advice as i am new to caring for a T. En as jy van bloem af is behoort jy afrikaans te praat wat dit makliker maak vir my haha
  16. Nemoq

    Need help please

    substrate is dry only one small corner i keep damp. and a little water dish. but tanx i hate not knowing what to do. i know im new and still learning. but i dont want my new friend to suffer. and best part is tonight is feeding time. i cant wait :D
  17. Nemoq

    Need help please

    Hi guys I moved my grammastola pulchripes into a safer smaller home 3 days ago and he has been in the one corner of the tank 90% of the time and now he is webing the little tree is this normal or should I be concerned?
  18. Nemoq

    New home for Gambit

    Top side is a vent shaft if I can call it that. So ventilation is not a prob for Gambit and tanx for the advise I sure will take that to mind
  19. Nemoq

    New home for Gambit

    Also how moist should i keep his home. iv got a little water dish inside. but not sure if i should moisten one side or just keep it as is.
  20. Nemoq

    New home for Gambit

    Hi guys I recently movves gambit. From the mansion into a more secure home. What do you guys think?