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Search results

  1. K

    Mystery Tarantula ID

    Hey all; I went into the shop for water test kits but this little friend was practically free since they're down a leg and the shop had lost the identification info. They said they're pretty sure it was something tropical. I'd been considering getting back into spider-keeping so I went for it...
  2. K

    'feeding' a burrowed G Pulchra? (+missing leg/live feeding?)

    I'm so impressed by these guys every time i learn something about them! I'm glad you brought your 4 home. & it's good to know they might molt a little earlier-I'll keep an eye out for any changes.
  3. K

    'feeding' a burrowed G Pulchra? (+missing leg/live feeding?)

    These guys are so cool. Thank you for the info!
  4. K

    'feeding' a burrowed G Pulchra? (+missing leg/live feeding?)

    I hadn't heard about them feeling the food moving 0.0 that's pretty awesome! I'll leave them something tonight then and see if they're interested! & a couple of molts is what I'm seeing around about the leg, so I'm glad they'll be okay. I feel bad for them though, just losing a whole leg!! crazy!
  5. K

    'feeding' a burrowed G Pulchra? (+missing leg/live feeding?)

    Hey all! so my brazilian black sling came in at the beginning of this month. it ate the day after it arrived & then exactly a week later. After that feeding the sling dug a nice deep burrow and covered it. That was 2 weeks ago, which I know isn't long in hidden spider time. They came out the...
  6. K

    Coco Coir: chemically treated?

    hmm good to know!
  7. K

    Coco Coir: chemically treated?

    Thanks for the advice! I'm not positive yet if I'll be going for a sling, but it seems like the most likely option at this point. Mostly I want to make sure I'm prepared and know what I'm looking at before bringing one home, so that I'm not down the line surprised that this substrate isn't...
  8. K

    Coco Coir: chemically treated?

    I'm looking at getting Grammostola pulchra (Grammostola quirogai? I'm in America so there's that whole thing) and my understanding is they're less particular about humidity (still researching!), but I'll definite keep an eye on the humidity & keep the additions y'all mentioned in mind in case it...
  9. K

    Coco Coir: chemically treated?

    Good to know! Seems to be the wise choice & I'll be picking some up :)
  10. K

    Coco Coir: chemically treated?

    Hey thanks! Sorry I didn't respond when you commented--been having ~technical difficulties but I appreciate the insight! Gonna pick up a pack of pet store grade bricks!
  11. K

    Coco Coir: chemically treated?

    Hi there! I've wanted a pet T for as long as I can remember and am finally in a position to bring one home. I've been researching and working on setting up a home before picking one up and am looking over substrates. It looks like coco coir is a good option that I can actually access, but in...