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Here are the species that I currently have for sale, please read all of the Terms & Conditions before ordering! Minimum $25 order!
Aglaopteryx gemma "Key Largo, FL" (Little Gem Roach)
This small but beautiful Ectobiid hails from the southeastern US, and has eluded culture for quite...
Here are the species that I currently have for sale, please read all of the Terms & Conditions before ordering! Minimum $30 order!
Aglaopteryx gemma "Key Largo, FL" (Little Gem Roach)
10 Mixed nymphs: $25
Arenivaga bolliana "Del Rio, TX" (Dark Form) (Boll's Dark Sand Roach)
Here are the species that I currently have for sale, please read all of the Terms & Conditions before ordering! Minimum $30 order!
Aglaopteryx gemma "Key Largo, FL" (Little Gem Roach)
This small but beautiful Ectobiid hails from the southeastern US, and has eluded culture for...
Bump, just adding these crickets to the list! :)
Ceuthophilus gracilipes gracilipes "Montgomery, AL" (Slender-legged Camel Cricket)
Largest US native camel cricket! Easy to breed, pretty tolerant of crowding, but they do like their space! Definitely some occasional feeder potential, and...
Current Availability List, PM if interested! Minimum order $30 not including shipping!
Compsodes schwarzi (Schwarz's hooded roach)
Second smallest roach in the hobby, prolific and a great micro-feeder!
12 Mixed: $20 + shipping
24 Mixed...
Current Availability List, PM if interested! Minimum order $30 not including shipping!
Compsodes schwarzi (Schwarz's hooded roach)
Second smallest roach in the hobby, prolific and a great micro-feeder!
12 mixed: $20 + shipping
Current Availability List, PM if interested!
Compsodes schwarzi (Schwarz's hooded roach)
Second smallest roach in the hobby, prolific and a great micro-feeder!
12 mixed: $20 + shipping
24 mixed: $30 + shipping
Yeah I like using both side and lid ventilation personally. :)
73F shouldn't be too hot and is an ideal temp for them IMO, but the oil radiator may have made the temps inside the enclosure even warmer than that if they were especially close to it, or dried it out much too fast. I'd definitely...
Actually, a lot of the newer isopod species that have entered culture do prefer most of their enclosure to be dry. For Armadillidium usually they don't need it THAT dry, they just like lots of airflow. I'd recommend a 50/50 humidity gradient for this particular species, especially since the...
Yeah, the bioluminescent click beetles are all from the tribe Pyrophorini, which are exclusively found in the Americas. While they may look rather unassuming in the daylight, man do they light up at night! (or whenever they are disturbed really). The glow is unbelievably bright on these, so...