N8tive556 Apr 9, 2016 What's up friends?! Hmmm time to browse catch up and give a slight after action on repticon atlanta
N8tive556 Nov 19, 2015 I am apparently now an "Active Member" Dunno why but this makes me feel kinda accomplished lol
N8tive556 Nov 7, 2015 The answer to the question: "How many spiders do you REALLY need?" Answer: T + 1 = (T) is equal to the number of T's you currently own lol
The answer to the question: "How many spiders do you REALLY need?" Answer: T + 1 = (T) is equal to the number of T's you currently own lol
N8tive556 Oct 30, 2015 Lol never did get a change to do that sling transfer... Tomorrow! Hopefully lol Gotta prepare for Tuesday new additions! Ahhhhh!
Lol never did get a change to do that sling transfer... Tomorrow! Hopefully lol Gotta prepare for Tuesday new additions! Ahhhhh!
N8tive556 Oct 21, 2015 Advice to all invert haters... NEVER piss off a man that keeps spiders... You have been warned... Lol
Advice to all invert haters... NEVER piss off a man that keeps spiders... You have been warned... Lol