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Denny Dee
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  • Hello Denny,

    If you read my recent posts, you will see one panicked guardian of a L. Parahybana juvenile. I'm torn between using a 50 W IR heat lamp clamped some 6 or 7 inches above his home or not. I'm in NY and my house is around 64 during the winter, which is almost now. Also, do you know what "butt bobble" is????
    Denny Dee
    Denny Dee
    I would recommend trying a heat pad versus the lamp. The lamps have a tendancy to cook your T's. Unless your tank is big enough that the lamp is only hitting about 25% of the tank surface area. These are not desert species or I would feel better about it. Make sure you add a thermometer/hydrometer inside the enclosure so you can monitor it as you want to keep the humidity up as well.
    hey denny, I can see from you saying you go to scotts all animal expo you live by me. I live in Dixon il. since your so close you got any T's for sale? lol
    Denny Dee
    Denny Dee
    That was my first Ararchnogathering but definitely will be at the next one. We will have to connect next time.
    certainly I have a few B.vagans, L.parahybana, P.regalis, and possibly a pair of P.cambridgei to trade/sale too if any of those sound interesting to ya.
    Denny Dee
    Denny Dee
    Possibly. I say I am done with T's right now due to space but we shall see. The vagans could be intriguing. I have two L. parahybana and two H. lividus and would like to get down to one of each.
    my critters were given to me a few months ago. Before that, I would have never thought about having a scorpion or tarantula as a pet. I love having them.
    Good to see other experienced collectors out here. You have a great collection. How long have you been at it?
    I was in the hobby along time ago and moved in with the misses song sold everything. 8 long years later I decided to get 1 T a p metallica and as you know the addiction kicked in now I have 8 T's and 2 true spiders lol what about you
    Denny Dee
    Denny Dee
    I have always been into animals but not the furry kinds. Started out in the pet industry a long time ago. Even studied Entomology briefly. Lost my T collections back when I got married years ago. Started back up with a Black Emperor and renewed my love for the hobby. I will update my collection soon as it has been awhile and I have been very active with True, Primitive and T slings this summer.
    looking forward to following you. we seem to post on many of the same threads.
    Thankyou what do you have in your collection
    List is in my sig :)
    Wow that's a lot of of T's congrats man love the way you have taught your 5 y o daughter about T's
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