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Media added by Cnpowell_73

Media comments

  • 2024 az monsoon
    A moth enthusiast close to me, rediscovered a moth thought to be extinct in his back garden a few weeks ago.

    The Norfolk snout was always a rare moth in Britain. By the late 1960s, populations of this small beige moth with its distinctive protuberant “nose” had dwindled to just...
  • IMG_20221127_174353482.jpg
    What are the enclosures i love them
    So Sorry. The boxes came from pet store, 4x4 with air holes.
  • IMG_20221127_174353482.jpg
    BoJangles passed away
  • 20240831_093403.jpg
    Rabid Wolf Spiders. They are a non-aggressive species. I had a large male crawling on me.
  • 1000088880.jpg
    How is she? Ours has molted too.
    Hi, well she keeps drinking water but refusing food still. Hasn't eaten since she's molting. Looks quite skinny. Can only imagine she wants to molt again after taht bad molt before eating maybe. Hope she's strong enough.

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