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Ordered a B auratum - LHS is what arrived! Naturally, not very impressed and after several stroppy messages, I agreed to a "rescue" donation as was not prepared to send her* back to the vendor for refund the state it was in. Looking good 7 days...
Ordered a B auratum - LHS is what arrived! Naturally, not very impressed and after several stroppy messages, I agreed to a "rescue" donation as was not prepared to send her* back to the vendor for refund the state it was in. Looking good 7 days...
Yes I remember when you got this T... Terrible state it was in and glad to hear its alive and thriving I hope my intial guess is wrong as would be great if proved to be female
Yes it's a shape that implies female. Males usually have a smaller patch of triangular, square or circular hair, which is much shorter and less uniform and if it's a great photo, sometimes you can make out small rows of e fusillae too.
Yes it's a shape that implies female. Males usually have a smaller patch of triangular, square or circular hair, which is much shorter and less uniform and if it's a great photo, sometimes you can make out small rows of e fusillae too.
If you can get a better pic, reupload.
I quite enjoy 'ventral guessing' as @plessey calls it he certainly has a point, as only a moult can be 109%, but I still like ventral. If I get them wrong, that's a great opportunity for me to learn a bit more and refine my methods, which is why I prefer it when people update these threads when they get moult confirmation. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of opinions and anyone using these threads to learn vent sexing can be lead astray. Say if for instance everyone said female but the t turned out to be male without the thread being updated.